Letter: Local food bank needs a closer look

Vancouver resident Greg Flakus reports the CEO of the nonprofit Clark County Food Bank earns a salary of $197,500 with an additional $30,000 in deferred compensation

Editor’s note: Opinions expressed in this letter to the editor are those of the author alone and do not reflect the editorial position of ClarkCountyToday.com

Greg Flakus
Greg Flakus

I learned through a review of the Clark County Food Bank’s Form 999, which reports income and expenses, a fact that alarmed me. The CEO earns $197,500 per year and $30,000 in deferred compensation. 

As one of those who led the campaign to build the current distribution center, this compensation should be made known to all donors and also explained. By reference, both the director of the Oregon Food Bank and Northwest Harvest earn less than the president of this food bank. 

I would hope the board members would justify this compensation that seems very high for a nonprofit in our region.

Greg Flakus


  1. Y.M.

    You might want to re-check who you are comparing to. Share Vancouver has 3 directors being paid that equal a significantly higher amount than that. The Oregon Food Bank CEO earns 191,852 with 24,711 other compensation and the CEO of Northwest Harvest earns 258,588 with 37,713 other compensation – this does not count the other paid employees they have that are earning 6 figure salaries. Why are you trying to stir up crap? Why are you being disingenuous? Also, there is no CEO for the Clark County Food Bank – there is a President.

    1. Susan

      Mr. Flakus (the letter writer) is correct in what he says. The Clark Co. Food Bank website shows the 2022 Form 990, and supports the figures Mr. Flakus has presented.

      All of which further supports the thinking that there’s BIG MONEY in hunger, homelessness, and addictions. Do you really think that the non-profits, with staff being paid 100’s of thousands of dollars, want to see their “bread and butter” disappear? Do you really think that Vancouver City’s “homelessness czar,” Jamie Spinelli, wants her prestige, influence, and taxpayer-funded paycheck and benefits to all come to an end with the abolishment of homelessness?

      If you build it, they will come

      If you offer a food bank handing out free food, there will be more hungry people than can be served.
      If you offer free housing, there will be more homeless than can be served.

      You cannot spend your way out of hunger, nor homelessness.

        1. Greg flakus

          According to studies done by I Diana university for executive director salaries it depends on 3 factors.. revenues not cou ting food donated which food banks count as revenue number of employees managed..local food bank has many programs that lose money yetcserve and how much funds the executive director secures in New funding sources annually.. another note the salaries of the 3 largest agencies served by ccfb are around 60 k per year each.


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