Letter: League of Women Voters wants to hear from all candidates

League of Women Voters of Clark County President Sharon Brown responds to previous letter to the editor by area resident Kris Greene.
League of Women Voters of Clark County President Sharon Brown responds to previous letter to the editor by area resident Kris Greene.

League of Women Voters of Clark County President Sharon Brown responds to previous letter to the editor

Editor’s note: Opinions expressed in this letter to the editor are those of the author alone and do not reflect the editorial position of ClarkCountyToday.com

The League of Women Voters of Clark County would like to respond to a recent letter to the editor from Kris Greene voicing concern that the League refused to allow a candidate to speak at a forum. 

President Sharon Brown, League of Women Voters of Clark County
President Sharon Brown, League of Women Voters of Clark County

We believe voters deserve to hear from all candidates to learn about their qualifications for office and their thoughts on current issues. That’s why we organize candidate forums and debates.

Although we work around candidate schedules with the hope of having 100% attendance, sometimes an unavoidable conflict comes up,  leaving only one candidate in a race able to attend. The League’s Candidate Forum Policy (https://lwvclarkcounty.org/CandidateForumPolicy) explains the several reasons we have to cancel if only one candidate for a position attends a General Election forum. The bottom line of the three-page document is that we cannot and will not do anything that advances one candidate over another.

Sharon Brown, president

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