Letter: ‘Joe Kent is not the enemy that the Democrats try to make him out to be’

Vancouver resident Laurel Pascual shares her thoughts on the 3rd Congressional District race

Editor’s note: Opinions expressed in this letter to the editor are those of the author alone and do not reflect the editorial position of ClarkCountyToday.com

Laurel Pascual
Laurel Pascual

Joe Kent is not the enemy that the Democrats try to make him out to be. He believes in our Constitution and served in our military trying to preserve our freedom. He wishes to defend our borders and stop the invasion that the Biden and Harris administration have allowed to happen. He supports legal immigration. Under the current administration people have entered our country without legal documents such as birth certificates. Homeland Security is not taking DNA samples either. They basically can give any name they like. We do not know if they are criminals s.a. drug and sex traffickers, rapists, murderers, terrorists, etc. We do not know their loyalty or if they intend to overthrow our government. We don’t know if they have contagious diseases such as TB. This invasion has also created a housing shortage. Taxpayers are picking up the housing, food, medical expenses, education for people that don’t belong here. The drug traffickers are a huge part of the fentanyl problem. The illegal immigrants are also willing to work for less wages driving down wages for the Washington citizens.

Kent also supports Trump policies. First thing Biden did when he came into office is reverse all the Trump policies. We have seen the consequences of poor leadership. The overspending and sending aid to the Ukraine for a war that can’t be one must be stopped. Every time Biden prints money, inflation goes up. We are seeing the consequences every time we fill our cars with gas and buy groceries. Kent has gone to many assemblies and takes the time to listen. He truly does want to Make America Great Again.

Lastly, the Supreme Court gave the right to have an abortion back to the states. I don’t understand why the Democrats keep bringing up this issue. Under Washington State law, abortion is legal and hasn’t changed since 1970. As I said, Kent supports Trump’s policies. Trump believes this should not be a federal law but one decided by each state.

Laurel Pascual

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