Letter: ‘Jeremy Baker offers the proven leadership skills and family values needed to bring back the high standard of living we all deserve’

Vancouver resident David Collier offers his views on the race for state representative in the 49th District, position 2

Editor’s note: Opinions expressed in this letter to the editor are those of the author alone and do not reflect the editorial position of ClarkCountyToday.com

There are a few of Monica Stonier’s decisions, like increased taxes, only electric cars by 2030 and going easy on drug criminals, that are questionable.  But when she started interfering with parenting and promoting sexualizing the gender of our kids and expecting the insurance companies to pay the bills, she went too far. 

David Collier i
David Collier

It’s disappointing that the state’s ethical values are being assaulted under her leadership. We lucked out on this election!  Jeremy Baker is willing to step forward to fight Stonier’s misguided past decisions that are haunting us now. Baker has the guts and drive and determination to offer a fresh start at cleaning up her agenda. 

Our unsettled future will remain in jeopardy if Stonier stays in office. Jeremy Baker offers the proven leadership skills and family values needed to bring back the high standard of living we all deserve. Don’t be hoodwinked by Stonier’s destructive performance. The only choice to stop the political corruption and turn this state around is to elect strong moral leaders like Jeremy Baker.  If we don’t act now to vote correctly, this state and our country will continue to slip into a devastating decline.  

David Collier

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