Letter: ‘It’s that kind of innovation, experience, and knowledge of our community that show Rey Reynolds has the solutions to make our communities safer’

Vancouver resident Julia Dawn Seaver offers her support for Rey Reynolds in the race for Clark County Sheriff

Editor’s note: Opinions expressed in this letter to the editor are those of the author alone and do not reflect the editorial position of ClarkCountyToday.com

With rising crime rates and fewer law enforcement officers in Clark County, it’s time for a new sheriff in town.  With his extensive experience in the field, sheriff candidate Rey Reynolds, has the solutions we need.

Dawn Seaver
Dawn Seaver

In his work with the Vancouver Police Department, Rey developed a program that brings government-funded and private business resources together to tackle homelessness.  He also wants to implement a program that will utilize officers from specialty units and patrol units together to reduce crime in a targeted area, which will help overcome the staffing shortage.  

It’s that kind of innovation, experience, and knowledge of our community that show Rey Reynolds has the solutions to make our communities safer.

Julia Dawn Seaver

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