Letter: Hockinson school bond ‘will transform the quality of our school and athletic facilities’

Brush Prairie resident Kevin Hessell offers his support for the Hockinson school bond

Editor’s note: Opinions expressed in this letter to the editor are those of the author alone and do not reflect the editorial position of ClarkCountyToday.com

As a dedicated Hockinson parent, I am writing to proudly support the upcoming bond. This will transform the quality of our school and athletic facilities. I am especially excited about the synthetic turf and track replacement at Hockinson High School.

Kevin Hessell
Kevin Hessell

Hockinson High School is the only school in the 17 schools of the Greater St. Helens League to not have turf. This means that we do not have a field that meets the requirements to host postseason football and soccer competitions. Because we cannot host, we are forced to travel to and rent outside facilities. Not only does this affect our athletics fund, but it means that our students, coaches, parents, and supporters must travel for a “home” game.

Our current grass field struggles to meet the needs of our sports teams and band members. We spend over $10,000 each year just to maintain it. This includes watering, fertilizing, line painting, seeding, etc… Even with all this maintenance, the field can only withstand about 20 football and soccer games each year due to conditions from use and the amount of rain the Pacific Northwest gets during the fall, winter, and spring.

Installing synthetic turf would provide a much-needed solution to our current usage problems, as well as offer our students a durable surface that can be used year-round. One of the biggest drawbacks of our grass field is that it becomes a mud pit during the rainy season. In our climate, we get average of 45 inches of rain each year. Adopting a synthetic field would mitigate the impact weather conditions have on the performance of our student-athletes and HHS Band, as well. Furthermore, synthetic turf requires significantly less maintenance, which would allow funds to be allocated toward other programs and student activities.

Our 21-year-old track is also in need of replacement. The typical school track lasts between 8 and 15 years. Ours is no exception and its age is showing. We spend about $9,000 each year just patching cracks and addressing safety concerns. More importantly, the track’s surface is uneven and warped and has led to our track athletes to develop shin splints and other injuries. This is something that needs to be addressed immediately.

In addition to the turf and track replacement, the 2025 Bond will fund necessary improvements across our district. The Career and Technical Education building at Hockinson High School is another addition that will allow our students to thrive. This will provide job readiness education especially for students interested and pursuing a career in the trades. Currently, students with an interest in this field must travel to Cascadia Tech, which eats into their school day. There is also limited availability, yet there is great demand for these programs. The purpose of Hockinson Schools is to prepare students for success after graduation, and creating this space will put our high school students at an advantage when it is time to join the workforce.

Bond funds will build a second elementary school in Hockinson to reduce overcrowding. HHES currently serves 924 students-making it the largest elementary school in Clark County, as well as one of the largest in the state. It will install much-needed safety and security measures and lockdown capabilities, and create a covered outdoor area at Hockinson Middle School to protect students from adverse weather conditions.

Please join me in voting YES for Hockinson schools. Our students deserve our support and they are worth it!

Kevin Hessell
Brush Prairie/Hockinson

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