Letter: ‘Heidi is the voice we need in Washington, D.C.’

Vancouver resident Julia Dawn Seaver offers her support for Heidi St. John in Third Congressional District race 

Editor’s note: Opinions expressed in this letter to the editor are those of the author alone and do not reflect the editorial position of ClarkCountyToday.com 

Julia Dawn Seaver
Julia Dawn Seaver

Get off the bench and onto the battlefield — that’s what author and speaker Heidi St. John has been telling audiences for years as she’s traveled the United States urging them to get involved in the culture war that threatens to overtake us.  The long-time Clark County resident and owner of three businesses, including the Firmly Planted Homeschool Resource Center, is following her own advice and running for Congress to unseat Rep. Jaime Herrera Beutler.

Heidi is uniquely qualified and the best candidate to fight the most pressing war before us — the fight for the soul of our nation.  She is a proven leader.  The nightly news is filled with scenes of parents taking on their school boards over the indoctrination taking place in schools.  Heidi’s been doing that for years, standing with parents at school board and library board meetings, and hearings in Olympia. She’s lobbied legislators in Washington, D.C. and has learned the art of persuasion that is so needed there.   She recently told an audience, “I know I can communicate.  Put me in a room with Nancy Pelosi and that girl is gonna lose!”

Heidi’s been criticized for focusing on education by those who say it’s a state and local issue.  They must know about the Department of Education (DOE) sending federal funds to states (with strings attached, or course), the No Child Left Behind Act (NCLB), Common Core, and how the Biden DOE has redefined Title IX and is pushing Critical Race Theory (CRT) in schools.  The federal government is all over education and it shows.  Twenty years after NCLB and ever increasingly progressive instruction, nearly 50% of millennials and Gen Z approve of socialism, proving Hitler was right about one thing: “He alone, who owns the youth, gains the future.”

A recent Dennis Prager article was titled The Single Best Thing Americans Can Do to Retake America. That one thing was to take children out of American schools.  If we lose the culture, we won’t have a country, certainly not one the founders could have ever imagined or intended.

On his Memorial Day podcast, former representative Trey Gowdy posed questions he’d ask those brave warriors who gave all for us: “Have we become the country you imagined we would be when you fought and fell for us? Is this the America you dreamed we would become when you were taking your last breath away from your family?  Is this the America you wanted? … Was it worth it?  Were we worth it?  Are we worth it?”

When we send our warriors into combat, let’s make sure we give them a country worthy of their sacrifices; one that still values freedom, and that honors the Constitution and our God-given rights.  Heidi is the voice we need in Washington, D.C.


Julia Dawn Seaver

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