Letter: ‘For Ridgefield to be a vibrant and thriving school system we need to build additional safe schools’

Ridgefield resident Scott Gullickson shares his thoughts on the Ridgefield School Bond, which is on the Feb. 11 special election ballot

Editor’s note: Opinions expressed in this letter to the editor are those of the author alone and do not reflect the editorial position of ClarkCountyToday.com.

Ridgefield School District is growing at an unprecedented rate. Let me make it clear that the school district does NOT in any way control growth, but can only react to it. Children are coming and it’s both the moral responsibility and legal obligation of the district to provide an education to all who seek it within our boundaries. 

Scott Gullickson
Scott Gullickson

To my neighbors and fellow citizens, it’s my sincere hope that all voters in the district share the vision that we must provide the best education possible to every student. With the district’s growth comes growing pains. We need additional schools, not unsafe portable classrooms. 

The district is running a bond to build a new K-4 elementary, one 5-6 intermediate school, additional classrooms and new Career Technical Education building at the high school. These are NEEDS not WANTS. Our community is growing largely because others have found out the secret of Ridgefield. This is a special place and a great place to raise a family due to the excellent schools. 

I’m reminded often of Ridgefield’s proud past. I strongly feel Ridgefield, with its current growth, lies at a crossroads of determining what type of community it wants to be long term. Ridgefield’s past believed in the importance of great schools and invested in future generations. For Ridgefield to be a vibrant and thriving school system we need to build additional safe schools. Please join me in voting yes for the Ridgefield School Bond, Prop. 5, on Feb 11.

Scott Gullickson