Letter: Earl Bowerman issues a plea to 3rd Congressional District Democratic candidates

Republican candidate asks candidates to communicate with followers about defacing and removing political signs

To The Democratic Candidates for 3rd Congressional District:

Earl Bowerman
Earl Bowerman

I write this letter as an appeal to you to communicate with your followers about a particular issue tonight when they will be gathered at the Clark County Democrat Forum.

Simply stated, please tell them to stop defacing and removing political signs of Republicans in Clark County. There is a unique opportunity for this call to action when your sympathizers are gathered together tonight because all it takes to get this stopped is one person in the audience who knows the perpetrators of these crimes.

The photographs shown below were taken in Vancouver at Brady & 192nd Avenue on June 23. In addition, the criminals spray painted “Trump is a traitor” on the overpass at 192nd and Highway 14 in black capital letters about 1’ x 20.’ The two of your signs that happened to be at that corner at the same time were untouched, as were the signs of all other Democratic candidates. What cannot be shown in these photographs is the theft of my signs that stood near yours that remain untouched.

The photographs shown below were taken in Vancouver at Brady & 192nd Avenue on June 23. Photos courtesy of Earl Bowerman
The photographs shown below were taken in Vancouver at Brady & 192nd Avenue on June 23. Photos courtesy of Earl Bowerman
The photographs shown below were taken in Vancouver at Brady & 192nd Avenue on June 23. Photos courtesy of Earl Bowerman
The photographs shown below were taken in Vancouver at Brady & 192nd Avenue on June 23. Photos courtesy of Earl Bowerman

GOP signs in Vancouver and Camas are being stolen, knocked down and defaced; mine are repeatedly stolen. It is disappointing that the “resist” campaign protests in the manner shown here through unacceptable and illegal destruction of property. If the perpetrators believe this action is effective to protest against Republican candidates or against our President, they are mistaken. In great contrast, I respect the fact that all seven of us candidates for the 3rd Congressional District seat are using means that are healthy for our community to express our differing views on real issues.

Earl Bowerman
Candidate for 3rd Congressional District

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