Chuck and Anna Miller say the Democrats know better, but fear is a great fund-raising tool
Editor’s note: Opinions expressed in this letter to the editor are those of the author alone and do not reflect the editorial position of ClarkCountyToday.com
Last night at the County Council meeting a number of disabled people came to the mic to make a plea to the councilors for them to issue a public statement against any cuts in Medicaid. These folks were obviously very worried that their much-needed services would be yanked out from under them by the federal government.
So, where is the cruelty? Because there is no realistic basis for their fears. The Democrats in their desperation are out in full force fear mongering and they don’t care who they scare with their lies.
Did we say they are telling lies? Yes, we did.
When asked, President Trump made this similar statement repeatedly, “We’re not going to do anything with Medicaid, unless we can find some abuse or waste. The people won’t be affected. It will only be more effective and better,” during an interview with Politico on January 31, 2025.
He also reiterated, “We’re not going to touch it. Now, we are going to look for fraud,” as reported by the Washington Post on February 27, 2025. President Trump expressed his frustration with a reporter who asked if he was planning cutting services to Medicaid. He replied, “I have answered that question over and over. And you keep asking it”.
Speaker Mike Johnson, in an interview with CNN’s Kaitlan Collins on February 25, 2025, stated, “We’re not gonna do that,” referring to cutting Medicaid benefits. He added, “We’re gonna take care of those who are rightful beneficiaries of the program. We’re gonna cut the fraud, waste, and abuse out of Medicaid.
The federal government is looking for fraud in the system. They are going to root it out and make it better. Better means more money for people who need it and no money for people who are faking, lying or gaming the system by fraudulent means.
The Democrats know better, but fear is a great fund-raising tool. That is a form of cruelty.
Anna and Chuck Miller
Camas WA residents
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