Letter: Brad Benton ‘has the character and the common sense to represent us all well in the state senate’

Clark County resident Mickie Enders offers her perspective on the state senate race between Brad Benton and Adrian Cortes

Editor’s note: Opinions expressed in this letter to the editor are those of the author alone and do not reflect the editorial position of ClarkCountyToday.com

Adrian Cortes is desperate. How pathetic to attack your opponent’s family instead of his policies? This is what happens when your own record is horrible. 

Mickie Enders
Mickie Enders

Cortes has shown he will resort to anything to win. Spreading outright lies about Brad Benton and pretending to cut taxes when the real facts are he voted to raise property taxes six times (look it up). What a fraud! 

Benton is against tax increases, against tolls and supports our police. Cortes’ positions are just the opposite! Benton has the character and the common sense to represent us all well in the state senate.

Mickie Enders
Clark County

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