Letter: Bob Ferguson and other Democrat elected officials nationwide pick and choose which laws to enforce and which ones to ignore

Amboy resident Tom Schenk believes Washingtonians are now under an even greater threat because of the unlawful abridgement of our 2nd Amendment rights by an out-of-control legislature and one party controlled state government

Editor’s note: Opinions expressed in this letter to the editor are those of the author alone and do not reflect the editorial position of ClarkCountyToday.com

In the aftermath of adoption of initiative I-1639, upwards of 20 sheriffs in counties in Washington state refused to enforce tenets of 1639 which they believed were unconstitutional.

Thomas Schenk
Thomas Schenk

Attorney General Bob Ferguson, in an open letter dated February 12, 2019, admonished these sheriffs saying …”Local law enforcement officials are entitled to their opinions about the constitutionality of any law, but those personal views do not absolve us of our duty to enforce Washington laws and protect the public.”

Ferguson’s statement then, and now, was laughable, especially when he and other Democrat elected officials nationwide pick and choose which laws to enforce and which ones to ignore.
One need only look at what is happening to America at the local, state and Federal level to observe the effects of such arbitrary enforcement of the law.

Prime examples in our own backyard are Seattle and Portland. Worse, but not so local is San Francisco and Oakland.

Maybe worse than this arbitrary enforcement of the law is the absolute willful blindness to U.S. Supreme Court (SCOTUS) decisions, as in the Bruen case (2022) on the 2nd Amendment.

And what does the Democrat majority in Olympia do in 2023? They ram through substitute HB 1240 banning just about every semi-automatic rifle and shotgun in existence in defiance of SCOTUS’s Bruen decision and the U.S. Constitution.

Considering the 10 to 12 million illegal aliens who’ve entered the U.S. and the 7 to 9 million who received visas at U.S. Embassies and Consulates without going through the proscribed personal interview, fingerprinting and local criminal background check in their home country, there are an unknown number of potential threats to our citizens.

Washingtonians are now under an even greater threat because of the unlawful abridgement of our 2nd Amendment rights by an out-of-control legislature and one party controlled state government in the face of a “fifth column” that has, without doubt, entered America during the Biden Administration.

Tom Schenk

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