Letter: ‘Before you give Rep. Paul Harris your vote, have him repeal his fluoridation bill, HB 1684’

Vancouver resident Wynn Grcich shares her opinions about Rep. Paul Harris and HB 1684

Editor’s note: Opinions expressed in this letter to the editor are those of the author alone and do not reflect the editorial position of ClarkCountyToday.com

The ballots are out and they are due Nov. 8. Before you give Rep. Paul Harris your vote, have him repeal his fluoridation bill, HB 1684. The side effects of drinking the poison sodium fluoride are: CANCER, crippling bone diseases, ADHD in youths, Alzheimer’s in adults, increase in Down Syndrome in babies, and lower IQs.

Wynn Grcich
Wynn Grcich

Buy water filters. Eat in restaurants with filtered water. Eat organic food, hopefully watered with well water and not sprayed with fluoridated pesticides. Tea and grapes have the most fluoride on them. Once again, buy organic.

A public hearing at the County Council chambers for Rep. Paul Harris about his fluoridation bill, would be the best thing to do. Ask your councilors to do this and Dr. Melnick, our so-called county doctor. We need to know why Harris has a sudden interest in our teeth? Who lobbied him to write his fluoridation bill? Can Harris explain the side effects of drinking poison?

Why would anyone want to re-elect a person who would poison you and your family, until death. Drinking poison every day, all day long, does NOT prevent cavities. Low doses of poison are accumulative. Poisoned water affects medications you are taking. Every pill you take is swallowed with poisoned water!

Fluoridation doubles breast cancer death rates. Chlorine causes breast cancer, bladder cancer, rectal cancer and reproduction malfunction. Adding poisonous fluoridation chemicals increases breast cancer deaths. I put on public record many water and health studies at Clark County Council and Vancouver City Council.

Call Rep. Harris to complain about his fluoridation bill (360) 786-7976. Email; PaulHarris@leg.wa.gov Ask Harris how drinking the poisonous ingredient in rat poison cures cavities?

Research and use critical thinking. Portland doesn’t fluoridate.

http://www.fluoridealert.org. http://www.fluorideactionnetwork.org. http://www.advancedhealthplan.com/fluoride.html

Dr. Dean Burk – Fluoride causes cancer – YouTube

Dr. Dean Burk co-authored one of the most frequently cited papers in the history of biochemistry, “The Determination of Enzyme Dissociation Constants,” published in the…


Dr. Dean Burk – Fluoride causes cancer – YouTube

http://systembreakdown.netDr. Dean Burk co-authored one of the most frequently cited papers in the history of biochemistry, “The Determination of Enzyme Diss…


Dr. Russell Blaylock – Fluoride’s Deadly Secret

Blaylock highlights how independent study after study has shown that fluoride increases cancer rates, increases bone disorders, which as Blaylock points out is a good way of increasing mortality rates amongst the elderly, and also leads to profound neurological disorders. Blaylock highlights the research of Phyllis Mullenix, Ph.D, who during …


Blaylock: Fluoride’s Deadly Secret (Full Length • HD) – YouTube

Dr. Russell Blaylock M.D. is a retired neurosurgeon and author whose trailblazing research has tirelessly documented the fact that there is an epidemic of neurological disorders in the…


Fluoride’s Deadly Secret Video (Author: Russell L. Blaylock) – Goodreads

Dr. Russell Blaylock M.D. is a retired neurosurgeon and author whose trailblazing research has tirelessly documented the fact that there is an epidemic of neurological disorders in the western world which are directly connected to toxins in our environment, and how this relates to the larger global eugenics program behind population reduction.


Setback for Sonoma County fluoridation plans – Enviro Updates

In an unprecedented 5-0 City Council vote on November 12, Cotati joined a growing number of college towns including Davis, California, and Portland, Oregon, voting to keep fluoridation chemicals out of their water supply. Cotati is one of nine major cities and water districts supplied by the Sonoma County Water Agency SCWA.

My sister and I helped get fluoridation stopped in Sonoma, CA, 2013. It can be done! We did it!

With knowledge you have power and you can make Harris stop adding poison to our water, especially when he works for us! Or does he? Harris is asking for your vote.

Wynn Grcich

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