Letter: ‘A place we’re proud to call home’

Camas resident Dylan Koller offers his thoughts after recently moving to Camas.

Editor’s note: Opinions expressed in this letter to the editor are those of the author alone and do not reflect the editorial position of ClarkCountyToday.com

Dylan Koller
Dylan Koller

My partner was 8 months pregnant with our second child when we first stumbled upon this cozy town at the end of 2019. We had dreams of relocating to the Portland area within the next few years but had no familiarity with any of its surrounding towns or neighborhoods, so as we were passing through on our way back to the Bay Area from Seattle, we decided to investigate. To begin our search we needed a plan of attack, and the best place to form a plan is obviously over a plate of corned beef and hash at a highly rated diner. As luck would have it, that diner would be none other than Natalia’s Cafe. 

As we drove into downtown we were both struck with the same thought, “it’s like we’re entering a postcard … or a Hallmark movie!” Everything about this quaint downtown felt magical, from the architecture of the buildings and theater to the stone fountain and statues to the smiling faces of passersby (this was pre-masks), and with this environment and atmosphere we couldn’t help but be all smiles ourselves. 

Before eating we strolled the streets to let our two year old, as well as our pup, stretch their legs after being cramped in the car for hours. The pair of them zipped from corner to corner filled with excitement and wonder (and a full puppy bladder), as they examined every building and bush, taking in the balance of nature and industry. 

After a bit of exploring we wandered to Natalia’s where we were immediately sat at a comfortable booth. Now let me tell you, Natalia’s is our kind of diner. A place where the staff moves quickly only to allow more time to chat with you. A place where the food is hot and delicious and the portions are plump. A place where you feel like you’re in a room full of neighbors. 

Once filled to the brim, and when our two year old was finally done flirting with the waitress, we headed back to the car, still without a plan. But we knew we didn’t need one. Our search was over before it ever began. We’d found a place that we’d be proud to call home. 

Six months later we were packing our bags and we’ve been here ever since. Thank you Natalia’s, and thank you Camas, for opening your loving arms. We promise to love you back.

Dylan Koller