Letter: A great turnaround or a great reveal, you be the judge

Area resident Rob Anderson shares his thoughts on the apparent reversal in attitudes about COVID-19

Editor’s note: Opinions expressed in this letter to the editor are those of the author alone and do not reflect the editorial position of ClarkCountyToday.com

Rob Anderson
Rob Anderson

We’re witnessing a stunning reversal and the hypocrisy of the politicians and health bureaucrats that politically weaponized COVID-19, which many are now convinced came from a Wuhan lab, for political gain.

On May 12, the Clark County Public Health posted on Facebook, “The percentage of COVID-19 tests coming back positive increased again in the most recent week for which we have data … about 7.5% of COVID-19 test came back positive, up from 5.7% the previous week.”  Also, let’s not forget that Dr. Melnick has been raising concern for the last month or so about rising infections and hospitalizations and dropping vaccinations.  Just a few weeks ago from a Yahoo News report from April 28, Dr. Melnick was quoted as saying, “We’ve got a long way to go to get to herd immunity, if we ever get there … But we’ve got all these spots available, and people are not showing up.”

And this from a KGW report from WAY, WAY BACK on May 3: “‘The message for the public is, we’re not out of this yet and we need people to do a couple things. One is avoid those gatherings, wear masks and physically distance when you’re out in public and get vaccinated,’’’ said Melnick, who added that the COVID-19 situation could be even worse if one third of residents hadn’t already been vaccinated.”

And let’s not forget the big bomb that was dropped on Clark County residents just last week that the beloved Clark County Fair was cancelled. Why, you ask? According to another KGW report, “Clark County health director Dr. Alan Melnick said Clark County Public Health advised that the fair not be held because of guidance from Gov. Jay Inslee and the rise in infection rates so close to the opening of the fair. The fair was scheduled to be held August 6-15.

Yet, in less than a few days, it’s all magically better. The whole rationale for masking, wearing masks saves others … gone.  The fourth wave of infections … no big deal.  Just like that, some unelected health bureaucrats decided that if you’ve been vaccinated, you’re all good.  If you’ve been jabbed: no more masks, no more social distancing, and you get your life back. For those who chose to decline the vaccination, or all those who have endured COVID-19, survived and don’t feel the need: tough luck and to the back of the line you go.

Even though it was less than a month ago, USA Today was reporting that the CDC and Dr. Fauci were telling us, “The reason for continued use of masks for vaccinated people is twofold: the potential for carrying the virus without symptoms and passing it onto others who are not vaccinated, and the risk of spreading variants the current vaccines are not as effective against, Fauci has said.” 

Poof, it’s like it never happened.

There are two things we can all count on in the next 48 hours: the chaos that’s going to follow in trying to enforce and interpret how this unfolds, and the spin and explanations of why this turnaround is justified and consistent but most of us aren’t smart enough to understand.

Those like Gov. Inslee, the CDC, and Dr. Melnick are counting on everyone being so relieved that we’ll just be thankful and pretend it never happened. If that is the majority response, it will no doubt happen again and again and again.

Rob Anderson
The Recovering Pastor

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