Letter: 100 area residents sign ‘Declaration of Independence from COVID Tyranny & Discrimination’

Rob Anderson, The Recovering Pastor, believes at the heart of mandates, lockdowns and restrictions due to COVID is discrimination

Rob Anderson
The Recovering Pastor

Rob Anderson
Rob Anderson

We believe in life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.  We ARE anti-tyranny.  We are NOT anti-COVID (i.e., that it doesn’t exist) or anti-vaccination, but we will not be subjected to these oppressions any longer nor be a part or participate in active discrimination. 

The current approach to “fight” to eliminate COVID is a fool’s errand and needs to end now (1). Never before has there been a successful all-or-nothing approach, nor should there be now, because it is irrational and a strategy that is doomed to fail. It took centuries of living with viruses like smallpox, polio, rubella, and measles until vaccines appeared, and it still took decades to “eliminate” them which hasn’t fully happened (2).

The tyrannical edicts that have been commanded by Governor Inslee, other elected officials, and medical bureaucrats here in Clark County have killed countless citizens, devastated businesses, stunted the education and development of our children, discouraged workers from returning to employment, piled on insurmountable debt, and now tragically divides communities (3). 

We cannot keep going like this and we are declaring to all governing officials that it is time to go in a different direction than this “emergency” empowered tyrannical fight to eliminate COVID that will never succeed. 

No more mandates. No more lockdowns or restrictions. No more closing down or restricting businesses, schools, homes, parks, churches, events, etc. No more forcing face coverings and absolutely NO VACCINE MANDATES OR COMPULSORY REQUIREMENTS because at the heart of all these is discrimination. Amnesty International says, “Discrimination occurs when a person is unable to enjoy his or her human rights or other legal rights on an equal basis with others because of an unjustified distinction made in policy, law or treatment.“

Instead, we demand common sense and transparent definitions and data collection, clear and visible formatting of the data, and to be fully informed as a public (4).  We require a focus on resources to the most vulnerable, and to provide the best therapeutics, supplies and support to hospitals and all medical professionals. This isn’t a time to fire or eliminate healthcare staff but to encourage them and hire more. We need to encourage and empower families and communities to join together, rather than be divided (5). We can overcome this together as free people, rather than divided and subjugated. 

We are the land of the free and the home of the brave.  It is time to live this out in the COVID era. 

IN THIS SPIRIT, We The People also petition the Clark County Council to take action and pass the following anti-discrimination  policy …

“We the Clark County Council, acting as the Board Of Health, which is the manifestation of representational government at the Public Health level, empowered by RCW 70.05.060(s3) & Clark County’s Home Rule Charter 8.2 & 8.3 & 8.7, PROHIBIT ANY AND ALL DISCRIMINATORY, including COVID, vaccine & mask, MANDATES OR COMPULSORY REQUIREMENTS WITHIN CLARK COUNTY BUILDINGS OR LAND USE.  No business, government agency, educational institution, religious or private organization that operates on land within Clark County will be allowed to discriminate against any person through indirect methods or by direct requirements to be masked or vaccinated or any other similar Covid restriction that ultimately results in inequity of rights, services or employment. 

As free citizens and legal guardians of children, parents ultimately make all health decisions for their children in Clark County, and vaccinations are a medical health choice for every citizen to make privately.  These rights should never be impeded, nor should their right to privacy (6).  As we acted before regarding discrimination, we act now to protect individuals & groups of people from being unfairly treated, denied basic services, education or right to continue employment (7). 

Reference notes:

1. Jay Inslee declaring that he couldn’t take any more questions from the press because he had to “go fight Covid.” https://www.clarkcountytoday.com/opinion/opinion-gov-jay-inslee-reacts-to-question-about-efforts-to-end-his-emergency-order/

2. Measles outbreak in Clark County WA  https://clark.wa.gov/public-health/measles-investigation

3. Stats of Covid related effects https://www.intereconomics.eu/contents/year/2021/number/1/article/covid-19-lockdowns-fatality-rates-and-gdp-growth.html, https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.bbc.com/news/health-55863841.amp, https://reliefweb.int/report/world/red-cross-red-crescent-warns-devastating-impacts-covid-19-pandemic-children-and-young,https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.wsj.com/amp/articles/covid-lockdowns-economy-pandemic-recession-business-shutdown-sweden-coronavirus-11598281419

4. Examples of death counts, hospitalizations & basic stats manipulated with convoluted definitions. https://www.freedomfoundation.com/washington/washington-state-over-reporting-covid-19-deaths/, https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.newsweek.com/studies-suggest-child-hospitalization-numbers-covid-are-inflated-1592911%3famp=1, https://med.stanford.edu/news/all-news/2021/05/covid-19-hospitalizations-among-kids-likely-overcounted.html, https://www.clarkcountytoday.com/news/icymi-protesters-descend-on-clark-county-public-health-building/

5. Jay Inslee blaming 50-year-old unvaccinated Trump supporters for being “bioreactor facilities” just a week before CDC admits vaccinated individuals have the same viral load as unvaccinated. https://www.google.com/amp/s/mynorthwest.com/3037959/rantz-jay-inslee-trump-voters-bioreactor-facility-covid-washington/amp/

6. Clark County Council authority from RCW https://app.leg.wa.gov/rcw/default.aspx?cite=70.05.060& Home Rule Charter https://clark.wa.gov/councilors/article-8-general-provisions 

 7. Clark County Council passed a resolution taking a stand against discrimination on June 16, 2020  https://clark.wa.gov/sites/default/files/dept/files/council-meetings/2020/2020_Q2/2020-06-06.pdf & nondiscrimination language is specifically addressed in the Clark County Home Rule Charter https://clark.wa.gov/councilors/article-8-general-provisions

Signed by…

Sara Tapio, Mike Terry, Alice Terry, Kim Terry, Keith Terry, Mary Ciot, Aurel Ciot, Megan Gabriel, Dave Costanzo, Dianna Costanzo, Heather Deringer, Simon Clow, Joanne Hottendorf, Kelly Fields, Gordon Kelsch, Clayton Myers, Jacqueline Myers, Nancy Lillard, Pam Lickar, Rachel Bosel, Mike Witt, Sharron Gookin, Kris Winters, Ashley Cooper, Deeane Cook, Andrew Alexander, Marsha Brady, Renee Sherman, Doreen Dings, Carol Houwen, Klista Ali, Esmerelda Godinez, LF Martini, Nichol Northrup, Mary Breitenbauch, Carol Bender, Georgia Brinkley, Sharron Gookin, Ray Greene, Glen Serl, Yvonne Cook-Sjogren, Katrina Joy, William Westrem, Ksenia Dorosh, Jim Williams, Val Williams, Teressa Silva, Ray Larson, Michael Jelineo, Ryan Gullstrand, Anja Ullensdatter, Lisa Church, Rob Anderson, Miranda Blackburn, Erin Brands, Bret Morrison, Steve South, Kris Kyle, Darin Kyle, Harlyn Thompson, Shirley Wentworth, Sally Snyder, Adam McKay, Courtney McKay, Tamara Hill, Kristen Markstrom, Kevin Gustafson, Mike Stewart, Beth Stewart, Micah Stewart, Maggie Jo, Angela Westover, Chrys Hust Hauser, Jennifer Warren, Ashley Rappleya, Suzen Cox, Debbie Bennet, Pam Lickar, Dianna Velazoo, Krista Ali, Renee Norton, Natasha Georgescu, Mike Garrison, Anita Gillingham, Jason Bellomo, Debra Kalz, Vanessa Amundson, BillieJo Moore, Wendy Rush, Chuck Miller, George Hacker, David Knight, Bridget Pierce, Bryan White, Naomi Denham, Jerry Krueger, Elizabeth Taylor, Sarah White, Bonnie Suba, Sarah Akey, Robert Freund, Julianne McAndrew

To join this commonsense movement and end discrimination via COVID orders and mandates sign via the following link:


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