Recapping the biggest stories in 2018. A teacher strike drags on after new state funding ; Two Clark County high school football teams claim state titles in the same season ; The General Election makes for a couple interesting local races ; Transportation stories, including tolling and the Interstate Bridge continue to make headlines ; Clark County growth management remains a major issue for people who live here ; A teen girl pushed from the Moulton Falls Bridge sparks a national story ; Reporter Eric Schwartz’s misadventures on Mount Saint Helens make for entertaining reading.
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#TeacherStrike #UnionTitans #HockinsonHawks #Election2018 #JaimeHerreraBeutler #EileenQuiring #Transportation #I-5 #Housing #TeenPushed #MoultonFallsBridge #MtStHelens #YearInReview2018 #2018 #ClarkCountyWa #ClarkCountyToday #news #localnews