Washougal School District superintendent headed to Lake Stevens

Washougal School District Superintendent Dr. Mary Templeton has been selected as the new superintendent in the Lake Stevens School District, starting July 1, 2024.
Dr. Mary Templeton

Dr. Mary Templeton will become the new superintendent in the Lake Stevens School District starting July 1, 2024

Washougal School District Superintendent Dr. Mary Templeton has been selected as the new superintendent in the Lake Stevens School District, starting July 1, 2024.  

The Washougal School Board is proud of Templeton’s tenure in Washougal and her dedication to seeing the district rise during the six years she has served as superintendent. Templeton led the development of the Washougal 2025 Strategic Plan, which asked students, families, staff, and the community to share their hopes and dreams for our students. The plan has guided important work over the past five years, with the district making significant progress toward knowing, nurturing, and challenging all students to rise.

Board president Angela Hancock said, “Through the last six years, Mary has consistently focused on increasing student achievement and opportunities. Her determination to see our students and our district rise to our full potential has led to the highest graduation rate on record.  The board deeply appreciates her steady leadership throughout some of the most difficult years we have seen in public education.”

Under her leadership, our district invested in teacher training and rebooted the Professional Learning Community collaboration time, centering this time on practices that directly impact student learning. Through the reinvigorated Professional Learning Community time, teachers have seen stellar growth in student achievement as measured by standardized tests, with 70% of areas measured by the Smarter balanced Assessment showing progress and 82% of areas higher than the state average.  

Templeton has championed our Career and Technical Education (CTE) program, investing in project based learning activities that help students develop real-world skills that will serve them in whatever career path they choose. Our robust CTE programs provide dual credit and industry certification opportunities that students can use to reach their goals in skilled trades, higher education, the military, or professional careers. 

Templeton has elevated student voice, and increased opportunities for students to participate in leadership at the school and district level, asking students to co-author their educational future. She has engaged with community organizations to build partnerships that strengthen our schools and serve our students.  Working with social service, faith-based, and civic organizations, the district makes sure every student has the opportunity to succeed. 

In response to student and family feedback about the quality of student meals, Templeton led an initiative to start scratch-made meals for students.  This has improved the student experience by serving healthy, chef-inspired meals for students. 

Templeton’s passion for serving the whole child led to a focus on engaging students in artistic, creative, vocational, and athletic pursuits that help students develop skills needed to be successful in the workplace.  She has helped the Washougal community navigate a number of unprecedented challenges.  Through her steady leadership, our district has emerged from the pandemic with strong community support, committed staff, and a vision for a bright future for every student. 

The board will meet to create a plan on filling this important role, and once decisions are made, the district will share information with the community. 

Information provided by the Washougal School District.

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