WAGOP stands with Texas

The current tension between the federal government and the government of Texas is an urgent issue for all Americans. And for all Washingtonians.
The current tension between the federal government and the government of Texas is an urgent issue for all Americans. And for all Washingtonians.

The Washington State Republican Party stands with Texas, which is acting in the best interest of its residents and all U.S. residents, by enforcing our country’s immigration law

The current tension between the federal government and the government of Texas is an urgent issue for all Americans. And for all Washingtonians.

The Washington State Republican Party stands with Texas, which is acting in the best interest of its residents and all U.S. residents, by enforcing our country’s immigration law when the current White House administration will not.

WAGOP Chairman Jim Walsh
WAGOP Chairman Jim Walsh

Here at home, Democrat Governor Jay Inslee continues to flout immigration law by designating WA a sanctuary state in 2019, putting Washingtonians at risk. 

The present situation in Texas, meanwhile, is a lesson in “federalism.” Too many people in government seem to think that “federalism” means the federal government is always right. That’s not the case. Federalism means that our federal government serves the various states.

The U.S. Supreme Court has granted — on very technical grounds — the federal government the ability to undo the commonsense security measures that Texas has taken at the U.S./Mexican border.

The Supreme Court may reach a different conclusion when and if it considers the merits of the Texas arguments in the present dispute. Until then, the WAGOP appreciates and supports Texas’ efforts to protect our nation’s borders.

“The Biden Administration’s disastrous open-border policy is allowing fentanyl to destroy Washington’s neighborhoods, straining Washington’s public-benefit and-service systems and exposing everyone in Washington to personal safety risks,” says WAGOP Chairman Jim Walsh. “This recklessness and lawlessness cannot go on. Texas is making that case eloquently — through bold action. And that’s a lesson for everyone.”

Information provided by Washington State Republican Party.

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