Six fire engines, one ladder truck and 28 personnel needed to extinguish blaze
VANCOUVER — At just after 9 p.m. Wednesday night (Sept. 2), Vancouver Fire crews responded to reports of a deck fire spreading to the house on 10002 NE 7th St. The first crew arrived within minutes to find a fully-involved, split-level house with heavy fire showing from the home’s backside.
After stretching out hose lines, the first crew connected to a hydrant and began combatting the fire. The two closest fire engines to the area were already occupied on another emergency call at the time.

When the second engine arrived, firefighters deployed their master stream mounted on the top of the fire truck, which sprays 500 gallons of water per minute, and began showering the rear of the home.
Reports of ceiling heat in the house prompted the crews to contact Clark Public Utilities to shut off power to the home. The added danger of falling heating panels and wires often causes increased risk to firefighters in homes with such a heating system.
Firefighters battling the fire stated over the radio that the second floor ceiling had collapsed. In total, six engines, a ladder truck, two battalion chiefs, two training officers, one rehab bus, and a Vancouver Fire Marshal responded to the scene; 28 personnel in all.
The Red Cross was requested to assist two adult home owners and a cat. No injuries were reported, and the fire was under control in under 20 minutes. The cause of the fire is under investigation by the Vancouver Fire Marshal’s Office.
Information provided by Vancouver Fire Department.