Vancouver City Council to return to virtual meetings Sept. 13

Meetings will continue to be held remotely until local case numbers move in a positive direction

VANCOUVER — Due to the rapid increase of COVID-19 case numbers locally, and the highly transmissible nature of the Delta variant, Vancouver City Council will return to holding its public meetings online only — effective Sept. 13. Meetings will continue to be held remotely until local case numbers move in a positive direction. 

Vancouver City Council will return to holding its public meetings online only — effective Sept. 13.
File photo.

Members of the public may view all city council workshops and meetings live at,, or by watching Clark/Vancouver Television on Comcast cable channels 23/323.

A phone-in option will also be available for each meeting. The phone number and access code for each meeting will be included on the meeting agenda posted on the City’s website in advance of the meetings at

Additional details regarding meeting protocols will also be included with each meeting agenda, which are typically published on the city’s website the Wednesday prior to each Monday meeting. 

Vancouver City Council will continue to accept remote public testimony during remote meetings. Members of the public may register to testify on the city’s website at: or by calling (360) 487-8600. Registration is open until noon the day of each council meeting. 

Information provided by city of Vancouver.

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