Vancouver City Council meetings are hitting the road

On Aug. 15, Vancouver City Council will hold its workshops, regular meeting and community communication forum at Clark College’s Gaiser Student Center, 1933 Fort Vancouver Way.
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Roundtable format scheduled for Aug. 15

VANCOUVER – On Aug. 15, Vancouver City Council will hold its workshops, regular meeting and community communication forum at Clark College’s Gaiser Student Center, 1933 Fort Vancouver Way. The community forum is part of a new pilot program to improve the community’s communication experience and opportunities to connect with members of the City Council.

This session will pilot a rotating round table discussion format that encourages and supports a more engaging communication dynamic, with no time limits on speaker comments and the ability for all councilors to participate in a conversation with community members. The first community communication forum was held on July 25 at the Vancouver Community Library.

Scheduled council business will be conducted in accordance with regular council meeting rules. During the time allotted to the community communication forum, the public is welcome to bring topics for rotating small group discussions with the City Council and other members of the community. 

Meeting Schedule

Council Workshop: 4 p.m.

Break: 6 to 6:30 p.m.

Council Meeting: 6:30 p.m.

Community Communication Forum: starts immediately following completion of council business, the forum is slated to run for up to 90 minutes.

The agendas for the council meetings are being kept deliberately light to allow the forum to begin as early as possible. Light refreshments will be available.

Anyone needing language interpretation services or accommodations with a disability at a Vancouver City Council meeting may contact the City Manager’s staff at (360) 487-8600 (Voice/TTY 487-8602). Every attempt at reasonable accommodation will be made.

Clark College is served by C-TRAN. Route information and schedules are available online at You also may reach C-TRAN at (360) 695-0123 for more information on times, fares, and routes.

The last pilot round table forum will be held on September 26, location pending. 

Information provided by city of Vancouver.

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