‘Total loss of control’: American vote system data compromised by China

Multiple American vote systems' information has been compromised through an unsecure server in China, raising concerns about election integrity and foreign influence.
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‘Customer’ details submitted to elections management on ‘insecure server’

Bob Unruh
WND News Center

Information from and about multiple American vote systems has been compromised by being run through an unsecure server in China, according to documentation posted online at a site assembled specifically to make available to reporters, researchers and the public the evidence about election fails in recent years.

The site, as WND has reported, is from Catherine Engelbrecht, the principal behind the True the Vote organization that works tirelessly to make sure elections are open and fair across America – including by having provided the raw data for the sensational Dinesh D’Souza film “2000 Mules.”

Working with her is her right hand, researcher Gregg Phillips, and because of their efforts to reveal the truth to Americans, they have been jailed, investigated by the FBI, attacked by the IRS, vilified by those loyal to the Deep State and more.

The details come from court filings in one of the lawsuits they’ve battled, which was brought against them by Konnech, a company with Chinese links that services a number of voting jurisdictions across the United States.

For their revelations about the company, it sued for defamation. Their response was to publish all of their information related to the company’s claims online, and within 24 hours, Konnech had dropped its legal assault on them.

There were, and still remain, a long list of serious allegations that during the 2020 presidential election, outside influences were at work to determine an outcome that may or may not have aligned with voters’ actual wishes.

Even back in 2016, it was Democrats and the Deep State in Washington, D.C., who colluded, using their own Russian sources, to fabricate the now-debunked claims of “Russia collusion” against President Donald Trump.

Then in 2020, Mark Zuckerberg handed out some $400 million, through foundations, to local election officials who most often used it to recruit voters in heavily Democrat districts.

Even more significant was the impact of a scheme involving both social and legacy media to suppress, at the instruction of the FBI, accurate reporting about the Biden family’s international business schemes revealed on a laptop Hunter Biden abandoned at a repair shop.

A subsequent Media Research Center poll showed that had that accurate information been reported routinely by the media, Joe Biden almost certainly would have lost the election.

Open.Ink, now is adding to the list of those elections-integrity concerns.

The documentation for the Konnech court case, which was in U.S. District Court in the Southern District of Texas, Houston Division, concerned, at that time, the return to Konnech of storage devices that had been taken into custody as part of what was taken from Konnech operations under a search warrant.

In fact, Phillips had “learned Konnech was hosting on Chinese servers the election-related domain names of its U.S.-based customers (including Vote4Fairfax.com, Vote4Boston.com, Vote4Hillsborough.net), as well as what appear to be Chinese election system websites (e.g., 2dmeeting.com and 2dmeeting.cn), and the URL for the Konnech app (app.konnech.com) its American customers use.”

The legal filing charged, “This means any customer data transmitted by means of Konnech’s customer-facing apps necessarily goes through an insecure server in China.”

The lawsuit concern information obtained from a Chinese server by a whistleblower to access the unit by using the “default password” that was shipped with the computer drive from its manufacturer, the document stunning revealed.

The fight was over Konnech “bizarrely” accusing people of unauthorized access to the computer, while at the same time declining to state its ownership of the drive.

The document reveals:

Defendants have advised the public that Konnech was not only storing personal identifying information of American election workers and American customer data on insecure servers in China, but that it was permitting unvetted nationals based in China access to the China-based servers and to the software itself.

Former Konnech employee Grant Bradley’s complaint, filed in Michigan state court on December 22, 2022, echoes these concerns. Mr. Bradley alleges in his complaint as follows: In violation of its contracts with U.S.-based customers, Konnech provided programmers in China ‘private data of [U.S.-based] election workers, to include social security numbers and other identifying information.’ Mr. Bradley ‘witnessed customer’s [sic] data (specifically poll watcher [sic] information) being made accessible to foreign nationals in China.'”

Further, the documentation said “Chinese nationals” with access were working from a center in Wuhan, which now is infamous for being the site of the Wuhan Institute of Virology, from which the death-dealing COVID-19 virus apparently came.

When concerns were raised about those Chinese nationals as employees, the document states, Konnech dismissed them as “employees,” and rehired them as “independent contractors.”

One analyst, Harry Haury, of Cain & Associations, “in summary stated that Konnech’s data security system ‘amounted to by far the worst example of complete disregard or negligence regarding the protection of PII and sensitive data I have every seen.'”

His report explained there was a “data breach” that amounted to a “total loss of control.”

And still further, the company was found to be “associated with several companies based in mainland China that appear to be associated with if not subsidized by the Chinese government,” the legal filing said at the time.

“Curiously,” the filing states, Konnech has complained of violations of the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act while “never” claiming ownership of the server that apparently was breached.

The company has worked with multiple voting jurisdictions across the nation.

True the Vote, a non-profit, also contributed to an investigation of ballot trafficking was featured in the film “2000 Mules.”

Open.ink also displays plans to be a repository for all Jan. 6, 2021, Capitol protest data and video.

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