Share Vancouver asking for volunteers and support during time of increased need

Meal counts have more than doubled at Share Vancouver and are still increasing 

VANCOUVER — Share Vancouver is aiding those made homeless and jobless by the current crisis, and they need help, support, volunteers and donations.

Volunteers wear PPEs while sorting food and serving hot meals as part of Share’s response to the crisis. Photo courtesy of Share Vancouver
Volunteers wear PPEs while sorting food and serving hot meals as part of Share’s response to the crisis. Photo courtesy of Share Vancouver

Amidst uncertain times and a scarcity of volunteers, Share Vancouver is packing backpacks for school districts to give out with food, they are serving the homeless with their social distanced Hot Meal Program, they are providing pet food for pet owners, and most of all they are supplying care and supplies to all in need in Vancouver.

“I miss my volunteers very much,” said Hunger and Nutrition Programs Manager Becci Read-Ryan in a Facebook video this week. “Normally on Thursday mornings we have about 60 volunteers in here right now. It’s Wednesday, and we’ve got about four wonderful volunteers out here. We’re still packing backpacks. This week, we’re sending out over 1000 bags to three different school districts and still trying to help and support our families.”

In an effort to continue serving the community, Share is asking for volunteers and donations, even in this pandemic. At their Andresen Street warehouse, volunteers are social distancing and wearing personal protective equipment while packing food and distributing supplies.

Bread loaves are given out to the homeless and those in need at the Share location in Vancouver. Clear Plastic shields protect servers and customers. Photo courtesy of Share Vancouver
Bread loaves are given out to the homeless and those in need at the Share location in Vancouver. Clear Plastic shields protect servers and customers. Photo courtesy of Share Vancouver

Those who are healthy and able to volunteer, can contact Molly Evjen to help with the Hot Meals Program or another service Share is currently providing. To schedule a time to volunteer, email or call (360)-952-8228.

“I just wanted to give a big ‘thank you’ to our event volunteers, our community volunteers, and our Share ambassadors,” said Share Development Coordinator Stephanie Kolb, in a Facebook video earlier this month. “We are so excited and thankful for everything you guys do for us at share to make us successful throughout the year. Thank you all so much and Happy Volunteer Appreciation Month.”

Kolb explained that due to the situation, Share has pushed back it’s annual Gala to appreciate it’s volunteers and workers to August. 

The largest need right now is volunteers to prepare to-go meals at the Share House, since the dining hall is closed. Molly and Stepahnie explained in a release that volunteers’ safety is still a top priority, and adequate space for safe meal preparation will be provided.

The following information was provided by Share Vancouver:

The definition of “volunteer’’ is to freely offer to do something. While so many of us are wisely heeding the words of Governor Jay Inslee to “Stay home, stay healthy,” you can still “do something” – make a difference – from home.

  • Stay connected with your loved ones: check in with a friend or family member with a phone call, video chat or text.
  • Take special care in checking on your elderly and high-risk neighbors: ask if you can help by safely picking up their groceries or have your kids make them a card and leave it on their doorstep.
  • Join or renew your memberships to local nonprofits: public libraries, free clinics, food banks and others that support the vulnerable in our community. Now is a great time to set up a sustaining gift, such as a monthly donation.
  • Shop & eat locally: when buying food, toiletries or medicine, aim for a local store rather than a major retailer, and support local restaurants with a delivery or pick-up order. We want our local businesses to reopen their doors once this crisis has passed.
  • Make & donate home-made masks: Share’s clients in shelter could greatly benefit from fabric masks (gender neutral colors, please). Contact or (360) 952-8312 to schedule a donation drop off.
  • You can also advocate for those in need by contacting your House and Senate representatives and implore them to support emergency legislation that will provide economic relief for this crisis.

We appreciate all the ways people are staying connected while helping our community.