Sen. Lynda Wilson wins Senate approval for enhanced ‘business bill of rights’

SBl 6408, approved Wednesday, is a sequel to Wilson’s 2017 legislation that created a “bill of rights” for employers

OLYMPIA — For the second time in four years, the state Senate has backed Sen. Lynda Wilson’s effort to help Washington employers keep clear of regulatory issues by improving how they interface with state-government agencies. 

Senate Bill 6408, approved Wednesday, is a sequel to Wilson’s 2017 legislation that created a “bill of rights” for employers.

“No business owner wants to run afoul of state-agency regulations and get hit with a fine or some other punitive action following an inspection or some other interaction with government,” said Wilson, “but it can be costly and time-consuming to navigate the above-average number of rules that have been created by agencies in our state.

“It would seem to be in the best interests of government to work with the business community, knowing how employers pay a majority of the taxes that support government in the first place. This bill continues my work to improve relations between regulators and employers, in this case through better communication and more transparency and the use of best practices, and I appreciate the Senate’s support today.”

Jobs and improving the climate for business in Washington are Wilson’s original reasons for becoming a legislator. The 2017 business bill of rights was the first legislation she sponsored as a senator to pass in Olympia.

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