School zone signs in effect and enforceable

Clark County Sheriff’s Office officials ask drivers to ‘please slow down for our kids’

Through the months of January and into February, Clark County’s school districts have expanded in-person learning at school campuses.  As a result, there is increased foot traffic around schools and playgrounds.  School Speed Zones are in effect and deputies will be patrolling to ensure the safety of children and crossing guards during times of school zone activation. 

Clark County's school districts have expanded in-person learning at school campuses. School Speed Zones are in effect and deputies will be patrolling to ensure the safety of children and crossing guards during times of school zone activation. File photo
Clark County’s school districts have expanded in-person learning at school campuses. School Speed Zones are in effect and deputies will be patrolling to ensure the safety of children and crossing guards during times of school zone activation. File photo

The speed limit in a school zone is 20 mph, regardless of the posted speed on the roadway, during times that the sign is flashing (for those that are equipped).  In school zones where non-lighted signs are posted, the zone is in effect when children are present.  Additionally, state law also requires drivers’ follow the direction of School Patrol (crossing guards) who are posted in many school zones throughout the County.

Speed violations in a School Zone carry fines that are more than that of normal speed violations, and are non-mitigatable.  For example, traveling 30 in a 20mph zone carries a fine of $139.  In a school zone, that fine is $237.  Failure to obey School Patrol is a $231 fine.

“Fines and rules aside, the tragedy of a child getting struck by a vehicle is something that cannot be erased or undone,’’ read a statement from the Clark County Sheriff’s Office. “Please drive carefully.’’

Information provided by Clark County Sheriff’s Office.