There were a total of four minor injuries, three of those injured were transported by American Medical Response
Just after 9:10 a.m. Wednesday (Jan. 24), an Evergreen School District school bus with children on board was struck in a collision with an SUV in East Vancouver at the intersection of NE 28th Street and 119th Ave.
There were a total of four minor injuries, three of those injured were transported by American Medical Response.

Initial callers indicated the SUV was on fire and a fire extinguisher was used by a bystander. The fire was out on arrival of the Vancouver Fire Department (VFD).
A total of five units from the VFD responded to the scene. Some of the children on the bus were taken to a different location prior to the arrival of VFD. Those children were accounted for and assessed for injuries.
Information provided by Vancouver Fire Department.
Also read:
- Tickets available for Clark County Republicans’ Lincoln Day DinnerLimited tickets remain for the Clark County Republicans’ Lincoln Day Dinner on March 29 at the AC Hotel on the Vancouver Waterfront, featuring prominent conservative speakers.
- Clark County Republican Women to host dinner event April 3Clark County Republican Women will host “Get On Board – We’re Not Fooling Around” on April 3 at the Battle Ground Community Center, featuring guest speakers and special presentations.
- The Study of Sports Podcast, March 14, 2025: A recap of state basketball, and a discussion on the formats of Washington tournamentsA new episode of The Study of Sports Podcast dives into Washington state basketball tournament formats, celebrating standout teams and players, and sharing insights from Spring Training.
- Michelle Belkot speaks out after Clark County Council kicks her off C-TRAN boardClark County Council removed Michelle Belkot from the C-TRAN Board of Directors after she opposed funding light rail operations and maintenance.
- Rep. John Ley’s bill to assist the construction industry receives approval from Washington State House of RepresentativesHouse Bill 1857, introduced by Rep. John Ley, aims to reduce construction costs by exempting certain building materials from asbestos-related restrictions.
- C-TRAN board tables vote on language regarding the funding of light rail maintenance and operationsC-TRAN’s board meeting drew a record crowd, with intense debate over light rail funding, culminating in a surprise move to table a key vote.
- City Council advocates for Ridgefield in Olympia and Washington D.C.Ridgefield City Council members traveled to Olympia and Washington, D.C., to advocate for key infrastructure and public safety projects.
Vancouver appears to be full of renters that get a free ride and DON’T pay property taxes.
Yes Nike, it’s either that or they are all pedophiles happy to see the growing numbers of groomed victims. I’m glad to hear that Washougal and Woodland voters are smarter than that.
Battle Ground voters appear to be low on the intelligence scale as well.
In the Columbian, on 2/16, it stated that 32% of registered voters submitted ballots and, of those, 57% voted for the levy.
This means that only 18% of registered voters just decided to increase all homeowners’ property taxes for the next four years.
Don’t know about the rest of you but, for me, there’s something wrong with this.
It is strongly suspected this is why VSD wanted the levy on this off-year, off-cycle election. Should this have been on a ballot full of federal or state election items, it likely would not have passed, and VSD knows that.
Homeowners have just been “taken to the cleaners.”
Home owners and property owners are where the moolah is (just like ALL the taxes fall on the middle income people). The school districts and the renters know this. However, IF the home owners and property owners DON’T VOTE, the onus is on them for NOT voting.
You don’t get the Government you deserve. You get the Government you elect.
Whenever there is an election – Vote! Most voters are smarter and more rational than the people in government positions, and they (the voters) are the ones that always have to pay for government programs.
Yes. Apparently 49,000+/- people that voted in District 3 in the 2020 election DID NOT VOTE in the 2022 election, resulting in a Portlandia carpetbagger representing District 3.
Here is one more depressing item regarding who IS and who ISN’T voting: apparently, Clark County is OVERSUBSCRIBED with “registered” voters. What does this mean? It means that there are MORE ‘registered” voters than there are ELIGIBLE voters in Clark County, and by a significant number. If you think I’m making this up, please do your homework, but don’t use either Gargle or Boing unless you would like to be threatened by their AIs.
Apparently this oversubscription of “registered” voters is absolutely OK with Mr. Kimsey (the County Auditor, btw), just so long as the “right” people are elected. And, as all of us just witnessed in the 2022 general election, all the “right” people WERE elected, making Mr. Kimsey very happy.
I agree with you 100% but I am curious where you got the data on oversubscribed registered voters.
There are several “true the vote” type organizations that are researching voter rolls nationwide and finding all sorts of anomalies in voter rolls. Clark County Washington happened to be one with some of the more egregious differences between registered and eligible voters, which I why I was able to find the info.
It is NOT that difficult to conduct a search for this info unless you are still using Gargle, Boing, YooHoo, or other controlled search engines where you will get “diverted” to all sorts of stuff to wear you out and you conclude that people like me that post this stuff are “conspiracy theorists” and other epithets. Of course you will NOT read about it in birdcage liners/fishwraps such as The Columbian, or other lamestreem meejuh propaganda rags either because what I stated is contrary to the official narrative (just keep getting those clot shots).