Sarah Canepa Bang to be keynote speaker at Thursday’s Clark County Republican Women dinner meeting

VANCOUVER — The Clark County Republican Women (CCRW), are excited to present Sarah Canepa Bang as the keynote speaker for its Thu., Sept. 21 dinner meeting.

Sarah Canepa Bang
Sarah Canepa Bang

The event will begin at 6 p.m. and will be held at Club Green Meadows, 7703 NE 72nd Avenue, Vancouver. The all-inclusive salmon dinner is $24 for CCRW members and $30 for guests and non-members. Reservations are required; please register and pre-pay online at For additional registration information, contact CCRW Secretary Anna Miller at (360) 600-6668.

Sarah Canepa Bang is the former executive vice president of industry relations for CO-OP Financial Services.  In her role, she oversaw and cultivated relationships between CO-OP Financial Services and various international, national and state organizations that support the Credit Union System.  

This past summer, Canepa Bang and her husband Steve traveled to the Ukraine with the World Council of Credit Unions and USAID on a project to bring financial services to farmers and their families. Prior to joining CO-OP, she was the chief executive officer of Financial Service Centers Cooperative, Inc. (FSCC) from 1999 and 2011. During that time, she expanded the credit union shared branch network from 85 branches in six states to over 7,200 branches in all 50 states and six foreign countries. In February 2014, Canepa Bang won the Herb Wegner Individual Achievement award from the National Credit Union Foundation; one of the highest honors in the Credit Union Industry.

Canepa Bang is a frequent speaker at national credit union events on leadership and emerging technologies. She is the in-studio expert on financial services technology for the cable show, World Business Review with Kathy Ireland. She has been a faculty member of the Western Intermediate Banking School, the Oregon Bankers’ Directors’ College and Portland State University.  

Canepa Bang has also been a passionate supporter of Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals through the Credit Unions for Kids program since its inception in the late 80s. Within a few years, she formalized the relationship between Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals and Credit Unions for Kids; the program is now the third largest contributor to CMNH nationally and to date has raised more than $160 million for hospitals in the U.S. Sarah currently serves on the Board of Governors of CMNH.

In her spare time, Canepa Bang is a professional artist with paintings in several galleries in the Northwest and private homes in the U.S. and as far away as Edinburgh, Scotland and Florence, Italy.  Her work has been featured on the cover of Country Pleasures magazine, various Northwest winery labels and an album cover for internationally acclaimed pianist, Michael Allen Harrison.

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