Safe & Secure Prescription Disposal event to be held Oct. 22

BATTLE GROUND — Anyone who has medications they no longer need can dispose of them safely and conveniently tomorrow, Sat., Oct. 22, 10 a.m.-2 p.m., at the Battle Ground Police Department, 507 SW 1st St., in Battle Ground.

Responsible disposal of unused over-the-counter or prescription drugs helps keep your home and the community safe by reducing accidents, thefts, and the misuse and abuse of these medicines. Surveys indicate that the majority of prescription drug users get their drugs from friends and family and that eight out of 10 new heroin users began by abusing prescription painkillers.

Proper drug disposal is also an environmental issue. Unused medications should not be flushed down the toilet or put in the trash, as the medications can contaminate water systems. Drug Take Back programs like this one dispose of medications safely through the DEA.

All unwanted medications, controlled and noncontrolled, will be accepted at the Battle Ground Police Department on Oct. 22 from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Simply drive through and drop off medications without ever getting out of the car.

Make sure that lids are tight on any liquids. Sharps and injectables similar to epi-pens will be accepted; make sure they are in a sharps container to maintain everyone’s safety.

While the Sat., Oct. 22 event allows for easy drive-thru drop off, medications can be disposed of at the Battle Ground Police Station any time during regular business hours, Mon.-Fri., from 10 a.m.-5 p.m.
Additional drug take back events will also be held at PeaceHealth Memorial Health Center, located at 33rd and Main in Vancouver, and Kaiser Permanente Cascade Park, 12607 SE Mill Plain Blvd., Vancouver. For more information, visit or contact (360) 397-2121, ext. 4352.

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