Ridgefield City Council appoints Matt Cole to vacant Position 4

Position 4 was vacated earlier this year when council member and former Mayor Don Stose resigned his position with intentions to spend more time with his family

RIDGEFIELD – Members of the Ridgefield City Council appointed Matt Cole to Position 4 on council, filling a vacancy created by a council resignation. Position 4 was vacated earlier this year when council member and former Mayor Don Stose resigned his position with intentions to spend more time with his family. 

Matt Cole
Matt Cole

Applications for appointment opened on Feb. 11 and closed on Feb. 25. After a rigorous process including multiple questionnaires, finalist selection, and a public candidate forum, at their meeting on Thursday (April 28) council members conducted final interviews and unanimously appointed Cole to Position 4. Cole subsequently took the Oath of Office and will sit for election in 2023. 

Cole has served on the Ridgefield Planning Commission as well as represented Ridgefield on the Clark County Mosquito Control Board. In 2021, Cole was the citizen advisor to the Budget Advisory Committee. He has coached baseball, served on advisory boards at both Clark College and Washington State University Vancouver, and participates in local community business events. 

Cole enjoys the Ridgefield Outdoor Recreation Complex, attending Ridgefield Raptors games, spending time downtown, and visiting the Ridgefield National Wildlife Refuge. 

“These four finalists are why Ridgefield is such a great city. All of them are dedicated, passionate advocates for our community,” said Mayor Jennifer Lindsay, “Matt is the candidate with the best background to help him hit the ground running successfully.” 

Video recording of the Town Hall Forum is available on YouTube: https://youtu.be/JJ6A9nt3oK0. Audio recordings of Council interviews and appointment are available on the City website: https://ridgefieldwa.us/government/city-council-meeting-audio-files/

Information provided by city of Ridgefield.

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