Positions 7 and 2 were vacated last month when Council Members Sandra Day and Dana Ziemer resigned due to their plans to move out of Ridgefield
The Ridgefield City Council appointed Judy Chipman and Rachel Coker to Positions 7 and 2 respectively, filling two vacancies created by recent council resignations. Positions 7 and 2 were vacated last month when Council Members Sandra Day and Dana Ziemer resigned due to their plans to move out of Ridgefield.

State law provides that in a vacancy City Council “shall appoint a qualified person to fill the vacant position.” Applications for appointment were opened on June 11 and closed at noon on June 25. In total, 10 eligible applications were received.
The city clerk provided each council member with a notebook including all applications. Council members reviewed and rated each candidate to select four finalists to interview. At the City Council meeting on Thursday (July 22), council members voted by ballot to appoint Judy Chipman to Position 7.
Chipman took the Oath of Office and was seated for the vote for Position 2. Rachel Coker was appointed to Position 2, and subsequently took the Oath of Office. Both council members will sit for election in 2023.
Judy Chipman grew up in Ridgefield and moved back to the area nine years ago. Chipman served on the Columbia Credit Union Board of Directors for nine years and retired from Bonneville Power Administration in 2017. In 2018, Chipman was appointed to the Ridgefield Planning Commission. Chipman enjoys attending Raptors games, walking her neighborhood, and enjoying the small-town atmosphere of Ridgefield.
Rachel Coker has served as a member on the Parks Advisory Board since 2019. She has been involved in the community through the Parks Board, attending community events, volunteering at the Lions Club booth at the Clark County Fair, and attending business spotlight events by Ridgefield Life magazine and the Ridgefield Chamber of Commerce. Coker enjoys Eagle’s View Lookout Park, the Ridgefield National Wildlife Refuge, and photographing local events and landscapes.
Information provided by city of Ridgefield.