Ridgefield City Council appoints Jennifer Lindsay as mayor

Lindsay replaces Don Stose, who retired recently, and becomes Ridgefield’s second female mayor

RIDGEFIELD – Jennifer Lindsay was unanimously appointed as Ridgefield’s new mayor at the City Council meeting on Thursday (Jan. 13). 

Lindsay thanked Don Stose for his leadership and service as mayor for the past four years, and the City Council for showing their confidence by selecting her to the leadership role. 

Jennifer Lindsay
Jennifer Lindsay

“I am looking forward to moving forward and working as a team to provide the best possible service for the Ridgefield community,” Lindsay said. 

Lindsay recognizes that Ridgefield is still one of the fastest growing cities in Washington which brings change and opportunities. 

“It will be a challenge to keep our community connected as we grow, maintaining our community’s small town charm” she said. “We will need to focus on improving public engagement, make more information accessible to residents, and offer additional avenues for residents to provide opinions and feedback.” 

As mayor, Lindsay will aim to provide leadership to assure that the Ridgefield community is welcoming for everyone, create the Clark College campus at Boschma Farms to provide education for changing needs, and work with the Port on the waterfront vision. 

“We want a city where we all can live, work, play and learn,” she said.

One of the top priorities will be developing an integrated trail network and creating a diverse variety of city parks. For example, in 2022 the city will begin construction of the Refuge Park near the entrance to the Ridgefield National Wildlife Refuge auto tour and a family friendly splash pad at Overlook Park. She is also interested in assuring that residents and community groups are able to provide ideas and feedback on future parks such as involving youth groups in what they would like to see at a skatepark. 

Lindsay has served as a council member since she was appointed to a vacant position in October 2018. She was elected in 2019 to retain her seat and re elected again in November 2021. Prior to serving on the Council, she demonstrated her leadership skills on the Ridgefield Planning Commission. 

Lindsay holds a B.A. in Political Science from Portland State University. Lindsay is familiar with and knowledgeable about city issues due to her time on council and her volunteer service with groups such as Ridgefield Boosters, Ridgefield Fourth of July Committee and Ridgefield Lions. 

Lindsay is the second female mayor in Ridgefield’s history, preceded by Gladys Doriot who served as mayor from 2002-2006. 

Rob Aichele
Rob Aichele

Rob Aichele was selected to serve as mayor pro tem. Aichele was elected to the Council in November 2020 after serving on the Planning Commission. He is an active member in the Ridgefield Lions Club. As a council member his focus is achieving greater employment opportunities, expanding trail and sidewalk connectivity to enhance public safety and to keep downtown vibrant. 

In Ridgefield, residents elect council members to four-year terms and council members select a mayor and mayor pro tem every two years. 

Information provided by city of Ridgefield.

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