Restore Election Confidence Initiative moves forward

After a meticulous process initiated on Dec. 19, supporters of the Restore Election Confidence Initiative have announced that the effort is officially moving forward.
After a meticulous process initiated on Dec. 19, supporters of the Restore Election Confidence Initiative have announced that the effort is officially moving forward.

Signature collecting will begin Feb. 3 at the Clark County Republican Party precinct caucus

After a meticulous process initiated on Dec. 19, supporters of the Restore Election Confidence Initiative have announced that the effort is officially moving forward. Despite facing challenges, including an initial “rejected” status and an preemptive legal opinion from the Clark County Prosecuting Attorney’s Office, the supporters’ perseverance has triumphed. 

The filing of a Writ of Mandamus prompted a reversal, defying the initial denial by the Prosecuting Attorney’s office. The initiative is not merely alive; it’s deemed legal within the scope of the local initiative powers.

The Restore Election Confidence initiative, a full county-wide effort, will offer voters a chance in November to enact common-sense reforms aimed at enhancing Clark County elections. 

“The purpose of the petition is clear — to restore election confidence, and everyone should rally behind that,” said initiative sponsor Rob Anderson with Reform Clark County.

Complete vindication according to Home Rule Charter standards

Despite attempts by the Prosecuting Attorney’s office to halt the initiative, claiming denial from the ballot, the Restore Election Confidence Initiative has not only cleared the final review process but is deemed a legal initiative according to Home Rule Charter standards. 

“This is complete vindication, even if some media outlets may not acknowledge the full story,’’ Anderson stated in a statement Friday. “The unvarnished truth is crucial.’’

Anderson provided the reversed decision by the Prosecuting Attorney’s office:

“In the opinion of the Clark County Prosecuting Attorney, the subject of this initiative is within the scope of local initiative powers. 

Yes [X] 

No [ ] 

No opinion at this time [ ].”

“The Restore Election Confidence initiative is legal, and I’m pleased that the Prosecuting Attorney’s office reversed course and is no longer attempting to block the petition from the people to sign to get it on the ballot this November,” Anderson said.

Signature Launch on Sat., Feb. 3

While some will commence signature collection soon, the official launch to gather 35,000 signatures is scheduled for Sat., Feb. 3 at the Clark County Republican Party precinct caucus, starting at 8:30 a.m. (doors close at 9:55 a.m. sharp). 

Area voters are invited to join the effort to restore election confidence.

For updates and further information, visit

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