‘Restore Election Confidence’ Initiative filed in Clark County

In response to what is described as a “critical issue in Clark County, highlighted by a disheartening 26 percent voter turnout in the recent election, a new petition was filed this week with the Clark County Auditor’s Office.
In response to what is described as a “critical issue in Clark County, highlighted by a disheartening 26 percent voter turnout in the recent election, a new petition was filed this week with the Clark County Auditor’s Office.

Signature collection effort expected to begin in late January; more than 27,100 signatures needed to get the initiative on the 2024 general election ballot

In response to what is described as a “critical issue in Clark County, highlighted by a disheartening 26 percent voter turnout in the recent election, a new petition was filed this week (Dec. 19) with the Clark County Auditor’s Office. If successful, this initiative will appear on the November 2024 ballot for voters to decide on the following summarized points.

The ‘Restore Election Confidence’ initiative would require the following commonsense actions from the auditor regarding elections:

  • Chain of Custody: Ensuring the security and accurate reporting of ballots from pickup to storage.
  • Fraud Prevention: Halting the sending and counting of fake and illegitimate ballots.
  • Voter Roll Cleanup: Maintaining voter rolls 30 days before mailing out ballots.
  • Transparency Measures: Installing cameras at all drop boxes and processing areas.
  • Post-Election Audit: Conducting a thorough examination after every presidential election.
  • Timely Reporting: Providing the majority of results by the end of election day.
  • Fraud Investigations: Addressing irregularities promptly and keeping the public informed.
  • Implementation Deadline: Ensuring all measures are in place before the next scheduled election, with serious consequences for failure to comply.
Rob Anderson
Rob Anderson

“No matter which side of the political aisle you find yourself on, many people agree that our election process faces a confidence crisis. Whether it was Democrats in 2016 or Republicans in 2020, faith in our election process has suffered, contributing to voter disenchantment and decreased participation,” says petitioner Rob Anderson of Reform Clark County.

To secure a place on the November 2024 General Election ballot, the proposed ordinance requires over 27,100 signatures to be collected and submitted by June 8. Anderson acknowledges the challenge but expresses confidence, stating, “It will be a challenge but very doable.”

The initiative’s next phase involves Auditor Greg Kimsey forwarding the initiative to the Clark County Prosecutor’s Office for ballot title creation and legal review. Subsequently, signature collection is anticipated to commence by the end of January.

To read the full initiative click HERE.

For those who want updates or to support this effort: https://sendfox.com/lp/3z6xdj

For those who would like to volunteer: https://sendfox.com/lp/1jdz68

POLL: Do you have a high-level of confidence in the election process here in Clark County?*
429 votes

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