Rep. Stephanie McClintock’s first bill to improve the business licensing process signed into law

Rep. Stephanie McClintock
Rep. Stephanie McClintock

House Bill 1301 directs the Department of Licensing (DOL) to review and analyze 10 percent of professional licenses each year

The business licensing process in Washington will be more streamlined going forward, after the governor signed Rep. Stephanie McClintock’s first bill into law on Thursday.

House Bill 1301 directs the Department of Licensing (DOL) to review and analyze 10 percent of professional licenses each year. The DOL will also be required to submit an annual report to the Legislature with recommendations on whether the reviewed professional licenses should be terminated, continued, or modified, to streamline the licensing process and use tax dollars more efficiently.

“This bipartisan policy is good, commonsense legislation that will serve the people of Washington looking to advance their careers,” said McClintock, R-Vancouver. “This policy prioritizes getting people into the workforce and removing roadblocks from the licensing process, which should be the goal of the Department of Licensing.”

Under HB 1301, the DOL must also complete a review of all professional licenses within ten years, and every ten years after that. Additionally, the Legislature can request the DOL to further analyze whether a profession’s licensing regulations meet the state’s licensing reform policies and recommend a course of action that is directly related to the need, and consistent with the safety, and welfare of the public.

“Government regulations and the licensing process should not prevent people from finding a new job or expanding their opportunities to advance their careers,” added McClintock. “I’m grateful to see this policy become law and I look forward to seeing the benefits it will provide.”

The bill takes effect 90 days after adjournment of the 2023 legislative session, which ended on April 23.

Information provided by Washington State House Republicans,

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