Rep. Stephanie McClintock introduces bipartisan legislation to ease occupational licensing regulations

Rep. Stephanie McClintock has introduced her first pieces of legislation with bipartisan support designed to increase job growth in Washington state.
Rep. McClintock drops a bill in the hopper. January 13, 2023. Photo courtesy Washington State House Republicans.

The legislation would make occupational licensing easier for individuals to pursue their desired careers and get licensed in Washington if required

Rep. Stephanie McClintock has introduced her first pieces of legislation with bipartisan support designed to increase job growth in Washington state.

McClintock, who was sworn in as a member of the Washington State House of Representatives on Jan. 9, is sponsoring House Bills 1301 and 1360.

The legislation would make occupational licensing easier for individuals to pursue their desired careers and get licensed in Washington if required.

Stephanie McClintock
Rep. Stephanie McClintock, R-18

“These bills would allow people to seek their desired careers and more forward in whatever path they choose.” said McClintock, R-Vancouver. “We must do what we can to remove the many obstacles associated with occupational licensing.”

House Bill 1360, which already has the support of the top Democrat in the House Consumer Protection and Business Committee, would allow the Department of Licensing (DOL) to consider competency-based standards for professional licenses.

That means the DOL could issue a professional license to an applicant who meets all competency-based licensing requirements for that specific professional license without regard to other requirements.

House Bill 1301, which is also expected to receive plenty of support from both sides, would direct the DOL to review and analyze 20% of professional licenses each year. It would also require the DOL to submit an annual report to the Legislature with recommendations on whether the reviewed professional licenses should be terminated, continued, or modified.

McClintock, who is the assistant ranking member on the House Consumer Protection and Business Committee, says the bills would spur job growth in the state.

“Washington already has more than enough regulatory agencies,” said McClintock. “The never-ending red tape slows job growth and prevents individuals from progressing. It’s time to change that.”

“People are forced to work through too many obstacles trying to get licensed in Washington. State agencies must reevaluate their priorities to help people who want to work and contribute to society.”

The 2023 session began on Jan. 9 and is scheduled to run for 105 consecutive days.

Information provided by Washington State House Republicans,

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