Rep. Peter Abbarno appointed ranking member of Capital Budget Committee

Rep. Peter Abbarno, a Republican, has been appointed as the highest-ranking Republican on the House Capital Budget Committee in Washington, after previously serving as the assistant ranking member. Abbarno serves the 20th Legislative District, which includes the northern tip of Clark County.
Rep. Peter Abbarno

Abbarno serves the 20th Legislative District, which includes the northern tip of Clark County

Rep. Peter Abbarno was recently appointed the highest-ranking Republican on the House Capital Budget Committee, after having served as the assistant ranking member since January 2021.   

In only his second term, Abbarno now serves as the elected assistant House Republican floor leader, the ranking member on the House Capital Budget Committee, a member on the House Environment and Energy Committee, and a member on the House Labor and Workplace Standards Committee.

“I am proud of our work on the capital budget over the past three years, and I look forward to serving as the ranking member and further investing in communities across the state,” said Abbarno (Republican, 20th Legislative District). “Capital Budget is a unique fiscal committee in which local communities identify a problem and work with the state Legislature on finding and funding solutions. It is truly a community-up, not Olympia-down, process.”

The House Capital Budget Committee is one of three fiscal committees in the Legislature. The capital budget adopted during the 2023 session appropriated almost $9 billion to communities in Washington.

The committee considers construction and repair of public buildings and other long-term investments, such as land acquisitions and transfers. In addition, the committee considers grants and loans to local governments or nonprofit organizations for infrastructure, broadband, housing, and cultural and heritage facilities. The committee also considers bills relating to public works contracting, state buildings and land, and the authorization of state debt.

The House Environment and Energy Committee considers issues relating to air quality, aquatic lands, oil spill prevention, solid waste, hazardous waste, toxics, climate change, energy, Puget Sound, and land use impacts to environmental quality.

The House Labor and Workplace Standards Committee considers issues relating to industrial insurance, unemployment compensation, collective bargaining, family leave, safety and health standards, occupational health, and employment standards such as wage laws and employment discrimination. The committee also considers issues relating to the building and construction trades.

“The committees I serve on have an important and direct impact on the citizens of the 20th Legislative District and Southwest Washington,” said Abbarno. “I look forward to working on real solutions for communities and working families. These committees provide an opportunity to create economic growth and improve the quality of life for all Washingtonians.”

Information provided by Washington State House Republican Communications,

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