Recreational burn ban lifted in Battle Ground

Recreational burn ban lifted in Battle Ground due to cooler temperatures and reduced wildfire danger.
Recreational burn ban lifted in Battle Ground due to cooler temperatures and reduced wildfire danger. Photo by Domino Studio on Unsplash

With the recent rainfall and cooler temperatures in the forecast ahead, the risk of wildfire danger has dropped significantly within the city and the surrounding areas

Effective Tuesday, (Sept. 17), Fire Marshal Chris Drone announced the suspension of the burn ban in the city of Battle Ground.  The total burn ban, originally declared on July 11, restricted all outdoor burning including the use of recreational burning including campfires, fires in outdoor fireplaces and chimney-type devices, as well as outdoor cooking with charcoal and other solid material. 

With the recent rainfall and cooler temperatures in the forecast ahead, the risk of wildfire danger has dropped significantly within the city and the surrounding areas.  Nevertheless, there is always potential for fires to grow out of control.  Residents are urged to exercise caution when burning outdoors, obey all fire regulations, and to follow these simple safety tips:

  • Recreational fires shall not be more than 3 feet wide or exceed 2 feet tall and remain a minimum distance of 25 feet away from structures or combustible materials. 
  • Only firewood or charcoal may be used in a recreational fire. 
  • Burning of trash is prohibited.
  • Ensure that a mesh screen is in place to prevent ash and/or embers from escaping. 
  • Keep a bucket of water or a charged garden hose nearby and ready. 
  • The use of burn barrels is strictly prohibited. 
  • Portable outdoor fireplaces are required to be used in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions. 
  • Residential burning and land clearing burning of vegetation, yard debris, or branches is prohibited within the Battle Ground city limits. 

As we transition to colder weather, now is the time to check furnaces, stoves, and chimneys to ensure they are clear and clean for safe use.  Additional tips for maintaining a fire-safe home this fall and winter are available on the city’s website at

For those residing outside of the Battle Ground city limits, please contact the Clark County Fire Marshal’s Office at (360) 397-2186 for permitted burning rules and regulations in your area. 

Information provided by the city of Battle Ground.

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