Public meetings offered to learn more about Fire District 3 levy lid lift

Clark County Fire District 3 invites residents to learn more about the fire levy lid lift that will be on the August 6, 2024, primary election ballot.
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Proposal to fund more firefighters will appear on the Aug. 6 primary election ballot

BRUSH PRAIRIE — Clark County Fire District 3 invites residents to learn more about the fire levy lid lift that will be on the August 6, 2024, primary election ballot. The lid lift will fund 24-hour staffing at fire stations, additional paramedic-certified firefighters, medical equipment upgrades, and a new ambulance.

Residents are encouraged to attend one of two public meetings hosted by Fire Chief Scott Sorenson to ask questions and learn more:

  • Wednesday, July 10, at 7 p.m., at Station 31 (17718 NE 159th Street, Brush Prairie)
  • Saturday, July 13, at 9 a.m., at Station 35 (505 SW 1st St., Battle Ground)

Call volumes have increased more than 25 percent in the last six years. Costs rise six percent per year on average, but state law limits the fire district to a one-percent revenue increase (and one-time payments for new construction).

“We have to make cuts to balance our budget,” says Chief Sorenson. “Specifically, we are not able to fill vacant positions when firefighters leave for fire districts that are better funded. This is impacting our service levels and response times.”

Clark County Fire District 3 has a history of good financial stewardship, but the cost and demand for emergency services is outpacing revenue from the fire levy. This is a concern since 70 percent of the district’s calls are for medical emergencies. 

The bottom line is patient outcome. Revenue from a levy lid lift would hire more firefighters to staff all five of the district’s fire stations 24 hours a day. This is critical to improve response times. It would also fund more paramedic-certified firefighters and modern medical equipment to improve survival rates and replace an aging ambulance to transport patients to area hospitals.  

Each fire district has an insurance risk rating that is based on maintaining service levels. When fire districts struggle to meet the thresholds for staffing, age of equipment, and response times, their insurance risk rating goes up, which can increase homeowner insurance premiums. The lid lift would maintain Clark County Fire District 3’s risk rating, ensuring that tax dollars pay for fire and emergency medical service rather than rising insurance premiums.

In 2017, voters approved a fire levy of $1.42 per $1,000 of assessed property value. Since then, the rate has dropped to $1.16. Fire District 3 is asking voters to consider a $0.34 lid lift on the August primary election ballot to reset the rate to $1.50. The lid lift would cost the owner of a $500,000 home an additional $14.17 per month or $170 per year.

The additional revenue will hire more firefighters to staff all five of the district’s fire stations 24-hours a day. This is critical to improve response times. It would also fund more paramedic-certified firefighters and modern medical equipment to improve survival rates, as well as replace an aging ambulance to transport patients to area hospitals.  

Learn more at one of the upcoming public meetings or at Chief Sorenson also welcomes your questions at (360) 892-2331 or

Information provided by Clark County Fire District 3.

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