Public Health issues warning for Battle Ground Lake swim beach due to E. coli bacteria

Clark County Public Health has issued a swim beach warning at Battle Ground Lake after routine testing showed elevated levels of E. coli bacteria.
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E. coli bacteria can cause serious gastrointestinal illness when water is accidentally swallowed

Clark County Public Health has issued a swim beach warning at Battle Ground Lake after routine testing showed elevated levels of E. coli bacteria, which can cause serious gastrointestinal illness when water is accidentally swallowed.

Test results for one of five water samples collected at Battle Ground Lake on Tuesday, May 28 showed elevated levels of E. coli bacteria. The other samples had bacteria levels within acceptable water quality standards.

Warning signs are being posted at the lake. While the warning is in place, Public Health advises against swimming and wading, especially for young children who are more likely to accidentally swallow water. People who have contact with the water at the swim beach should rinse off after.

Public Health will collect additional water samples Monday, June 3. The results of those tests will determine the next steps, which could include lifting the warning or closing the beach to swimmers.

Park visitors may continue to catch and consume fish caught in the lake but should thoroughly clean all fish and equipment. Fish should be cooked and not eaten raw.

Public Health routinely monitors water quality at three designated swim beaches throughout the summer: Klineline Pond, Vancouver Lake and Battle Ground Lake. Test results and information about current advisories are available on the Public Health website.

Information about E. coli

E. coli is a common kind of bacteria that lives in the intestines of animals and people. The presence of E. coli in Battle Ground Lake water indicates that the water may contain bacteria found in animal or human feces. Some of these bacteria can cause severe gastrointestinal illness. 

Depending on the cause, people with gastrointestinal infections may experience fever, abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting and/or diarrhea beginning several hours to several days or longer after exposure. Some infections may cause bloody diarrhea. 

People who experience bloody diarrhea or persistent gastrointestinal symptoms should call their health care provider.

Information provided by Clark Co. WA Communications.

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