Public Health investigating tuberculosis case associated with Vancouver elementary school

A person associated with Minnehaha Elementary School in Vancouver has been diagnosed with infectious tuberculosis, prompting Public Health's investigation and targeted testing for potential close contacts among students and staff.
A person associated with Minnehaha Elementary School in Vancouver has been diagnosed with infectious tuberculosis, prompting Public Health’s investigation and targeted testing for potential close contacts among students and staff. File photo.

The person who has TB spent time in Minnehaha Elementary School prior to the beginning of summer break

VANCOUVER – Clark County Public Health recently determined that a person associated with Minnehaha Elementary School has been diagnosed with infectious tuberculosis (TB). 

The person who has TB spent time in Minnehaha Elementary School prior to the beginning of summer break. To protect the person’s privacy, Public Health is not disclosing how the person is associated with the school or additional details about the case.

Public Health is working closely with Vancouver Public Schools and Minnehaha Elementary School as the investigation continues. Parents and staff were notified of the TB case by email on Friday (Aug. 18). Public Health is identifying students and staff who may have been in close contact with the person who has TB and will notify those individuals directly in the next week. Public Health is recommending testing only for those individuals identified as potential close contacts; Public Health does not recommend testing for all students and staff.

While the spread of TB in a school setting is possible, it is not common. Public Health currently has no evidence of additional cases at the school. 

A person who has infectious TB can spread the bacteria that causes TB to others who share the same air frequently or for prolonged periods. When a person who is infected does not have symptoms or evidence of TB disease, this is called latent TB infection. About 10% of people with latent TB infection will develop TB disease in the future. 

Testing is needed to determine if someone is infected with the bacteria that causes TB. Early identification and treatment of people with latent TB infection can prevent them from developing TB disease in the future.

For additional information about TB, visit the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention website

Information provided by Clark Co. WA Communications.

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