Network health expert warns AGAINST COVID boosters

In a segment on "Good Morning America," ABC News chief medical correspondent Dr. Jennifer Ashton warned it's possible that repeated boosting actually can weaken the immune system.

‘I don’t think that more boosting is the answer’

Art Moore
WND News Center

President Joe Biden’s top medical adviser, Dr. Anthony Fauci, said in a recent interview that with immunity from COVID-19 vaccines waning, “we’ve got to get people boosted.”

But in a segment on “Good Morning America,” ABC News chief medical correspondent Dr. Jennifer Ashton warned it’s possible that repeated boosting actually can weaken the immune system.

She said that getting a booster shot is a good idea for older people who have chronic underlying conditions.

“But everyone else, don’t think that more boosting is the answer,” Ashton said. “We don’t know that that’s the case yet.”

Last month a top FDA official said a fourth COVID booster shot should be seen as a “stop gap” measure, concluding “we simply can’t be boosting people as frequently as we are.”

Meanwhile, CDC and U.K. government data have indicated that the COVID-19 vaccines not only are ineffective in preventing cases and transmission, they rapidly lose protection against severe illness or death while posing risks.

A newly published long-term study by the prestigious British journal The Lancet that followed up on participants in the Moderna and Pfizer trials found the vaccines had no effect on overall mortality.

An analysis of CDC data by Dr. Meryl Nass found vaccinated Californians and New Yorkers were three times more likely to develop COVID than those who had prior immunity and were unvaccinated.

Further, vaccinated Californians had a higher rate of hospitalizations than those who were unvaccinated but had prior immunity. New York did not provide hospitalization data.

In April, the Food and Drug Administration released a briefing document that says the composition of the current COVID-19 vaccines might need to be changed to ensure high levels of protection.

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