Massive number of Americans say news media ARE the enemy

A recent poll by Rasmussen Reports reveals that 59% of respondents consider the legacy media in America, including publications and broadcasters, as their "enemy." 'More and more people are growing impatient and distrustful of the stories.'

‘More and more people are growing impatient and distrustful of the stories’

Bob Unruh
WND News Center

President Trump often has called the legacy media in America the enemy of the people.

He repeatedly was in conflict with reporters over their biased questions, implications of wrongdoing and more – all because of their questions that often took on the attitude like the infamous no-win query: “When did you stop beating your children?”

Now a poll shows he was right.

Rasmussen Reports reveals 59% of respondents to a new poll confirm they consider those publications, broadcasters and more their “enemy.”

“A majority of voters don’t trust the news they’re getting about politics, and still agree with former President Donald Trump’s denunciation of the news media as ‘the enemy of the people'” Rasmussen said.

Its survey found “30% of Likely U.S. voters say they trust the political news they’re getting – down from 37% in July 2021 – while 52% say they don’t trust political news, and 19% are not sure.”

The survey of 1,002 U.S. Likely Voters was conducted on May 16-18, 2023 by Rasmussen Reports. The margin of sampling error is +/- 3 percentage points.

A column from Paul Bedard of the Washington Examiner explained, “Maybe it’s the softball questions lofted to top administration officials. It could have been the applause and laughter from reporters that greeted President Joe Biden at the White House Correspondents’ Dinner when he bragged about ignoring them.

“Whatever it is, more and more people are growing impatient and distrustful of the stories coming out of Washington.”

He explained, “One reason may be the left-wing bias they see in those stories. An equal 52% said that the media favors Democrats by more than 2-1. … The survey is similar to some that continue to ask if, as former President Donald Trump once said, the media is the enemy of the people.”

The pollster said it’s actually a majority of every racial category – “58% of whites, 51% of black voters and 68% of other minorities” – who at least somewhat agree that the media are “the enemy of the people.”

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