Joe Kent one of four candidates added to 2024 Young Guns Program

Joe Kent joins the 2024 Young Guns program, gaining vital support for his congressional campaign.
Joe Kent

The program mentors and supports candidates in races across the country and works to provide them with the necessary tools to run successful, winning campaigns against their Democratic opponents

WASHINGTON D.C. — The National Republican Congressional Committee today (Aug. 30) announced the additions of Nick Begich (AK-AL), Paul Junge (MI-08), Mike Erickson (OR-06) and Joe Kent (WA-03) to the 2024 Young Guns program.

“Extreme House Democrats will all be rubber stamps for San Francisco liberal Kamala Harris’ dangerous far-left agenda if elected this November,” said NRCC Chairman Richard Hudson. “Our Young Gun candidates are building winning campaigns that will help grow Republicans’ House majority and ensure the Harris-Biden administration’s destruction of the American dream is reversed.”

The Young Gun program mentors and supports candidates in races across the country and works to provide them with the necessary tools to run successful, winning campaigns against their Democratic opponents.

The program requires candidates to work towards specific goals and meet benchmarks throughout the election cycle to ensure their campaigns remain competitive, well-funded and communicative within their districts.

“I’m honored to join my fellow Young Guns in the fight to restore secure borders, fiscal responsibility, parental rights, and common-sense Republican principles,’’ Kent told Clark County Today. “Together we will expand our congressional majority and deliver on our promise of security and prosperity for America’s working families.”

Kent is attempting to unseat Democrat Marie Gluesenkamp Perez in Washington’s 3rd Congressional District. Perez defeated Kent by less than 1 percent of the votes in the 2022 general election.

The full list of Young Gun candidates include:

Nick Begich (AK-AL)

Caroleene Dobson (AL-02)

Kevin Lincoln (CA-09)

Scott Baugh (CA-47)

Matt Gunderson (CA-49)

Jeff Hurd (CO-03)

Gabe Evans (CO-08)

George Logan (CT-05)

Joe McGraw (IL-17)

Randy Niemeyer (IN-01)

Prasanth Reddy (KS-03)

Austin Theriault (ME-02)

Tom Barrett (MI-07)

Paul Junge (MI-08

Joe Teirab (MN-02)

Laurie Buckhout (NC-01)

Yvette Herrell (NM-02)

John Lee (NV-04)

Alison Esposito (NY-18)

Derek Merrin (OH-09)

Kevin Coughlin (OH-13)

Monique DeSpain (OR-04)

Mike Erickson (OR-06)

Ryan Mackenzie (PA-07)

Rob Bresnahan (PA-08)

Rob Mercuri (PA-17)

Mayra Flores (TX-34)

Derrick Anderson (VA-07)

Joe Kent (WA-03)

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