‘I collapsed’: Documentary stuns with life-altering COVID-shot injuries

A newly released documentary film is stunning its audience with overwhelming evidence of life-altering injuries from the COVID vaccines.
A scene from ‘The Unseen Crisis: Vaccine Stories You Were Never Told’ (Video screenshot)

‘The mind games are ridiculous’

WND News Center

A newly released documentary film is stunning its audience with overwhelming evidence of life-altering injuries from the COVID vaccines.

The disease itself, according to evidence available now, almost certainly came from a Wuhan, China, biolab that was performing dangerous “gain-of-function” experiments on bat coronaviruses. The virus, thus rendered more lethal to humans, ended up circling the globe and killing an estimated seven million people, including 1.1 million in the United States.

However, the vaccines produced in response to the pandemic by pharmaceutical giants were experimental, unproven, and as it turned out, both ineffective and dangerous, when they were rolled out and pushed on all Americans, including being mandated on millions if they wished to keep their jobs.

It is the health crisis caused by the experimental shots that Epoch TV, a part of Epoch Times, has focused on in “The Unseen Crisis: Vaccine Stories You Were Never Told.”

Victims of the shots tell viewers:

“I began to shake uncontrollably.”

“I can’t hold my head up.”

“I collapsed. That’s all I remember.”

“The mind games are ridiculous.”

Joe Biden’s medical adviser, Anthony Fauci, also is on screen claiming that when people submit to mandates to take the shots, they “become a dead end to the virus.”

The documentary’s website explained that the vaccines “were rolled out under emergency use authorization after a much shorter than normal testing period. Millions of people rolled up their sleeves because they were told they were doing their part to end the pandemic. But for some — it didn’t go as expected.”

The documentary provides an uncensored look at those who “now are suffering the debilitating after-effects” of the vaccination agenda.

It explains, “The patients in the documentary suffered severe reactions to the shot and their health spiraled out of control. When they reached out to the public health system and pharmaceutical companies for help and support, instead of being acknowledged, cared for, and studied; they were ignored, censored, and called ‘anti-vaxxers’ despite having gotten the shot. These patients are by no means isolated cases. The world is witnessing a growing epidemic of COVID-19 vaccine injuries that can no longer be ignored.”

A report from WUSF confirms that among other ailments like exhaustion, shortness of breath, struggling to remember, to focus and even do basic tasks, there are those suffering from what is being called brain fog.

Then there’s myocarditis, the cardiac arrest like that suffered by a senior airline pilot only moments after landing, and more.

Testimonies come from Dr. Robert Malone, mRNA vaccine technology pioneer; Dr. Peter McCullough, internist & cardiologist and chief scientific officer, The Wellness Company; Dr. Pierre Kory, pulmonary and critical care specialist and co-founder of Front Line COVID-19 Critical Care Alliance; Dr. Paul E. Marik, pulmonary and critical care specialist and chairman of Front Line COVID-19 Critical Care Alliance and others.

The director/producer, Cindy Drukier, said, “As a journalist, the story that dominated life over the last few years was of course, COVID-19. There was no avoiding it. And yet, some aspects were avoided by most media, despite being obviously newsworthy. These included reports of people experiencing life-altering reactions to the COVID vaccines. The victims could be any of us. These stories need to be told.”

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