Human remains discovered in Camas

Human remains of an adult male were found in a heavily wooded area owned by Georgia Pacific Corporation in Camas, sparking an investigation by the local police and the Clark County Medical Examiner's office. The condition of the remains indicate this was not a recent death
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The condition of the remains indicate this was not a recent death

On Wednesday (May 10), Camas Police were called to investigate the discovery of human remains. 

The body of an apparent adult male was discovered in a heavily wooded area owned by Georgia Pacific Corporation, west of the mill.  The discovery was made by workers conducting annual vegetation management in the area.

This aerial photo shows where the human remains were found in Camas Wednesday. Photo courtesy Camas Police Department
This aerial photo shows where the human remains were found in Camas Wednesday. Photo courtesy Camas Police Department

The Clark County Medical Examiner’s office took custody of the remains and will be conducting an autopsy to determine cause of death.  The identity of the individual is unknown at this time.  The condition of the remains indicate this was not a recent death.

Camas detectives are leading the investigation. 

There is no other information to release at this time.

Information provided by Camas Police Department.

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