Hockinson School District to host Virtual Levy Information Night

District voters are asked to consider a four-year replacement levy.

Hockinson School District will hold a Virtual Levy Information Night on Tue., Jan. 18 at 6:30 p.m. This presentation will be an opportunity for the HSD community to hear information about the district’s upcoming Educational Programs and Operations (EP&O) Levy, which will be on the Feb. 8 special election ballot. 

Hockinson School District will hold a Virtual Levy Information Night on Tue., Jan. 18 at 6:30 p.
File photo.

Hockinson School District is asking voters to approve a four-year replacement levy. The levy makes up roughly 10 percent of the overall HSD budget. District officials state that local levy dollars are essential to continuing the district’s educational programs and services not funded or underfunded by the state.

There will be an Information Night link posted on HSD’s website www.hocksd.org where community members may submit levy questions in advance or during the presentation. The link to join the meeting will be on the HSD’s website calendar under “Upcoming Events.” Additional levy information is available  at https://www.hocksd.org/Content2/2022-levy-information.

Information provided by Hockinson School District.

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