Lentz is a member of the Clark County Board of Health as the county council serves and functions as the county’s board of health
VANCOUVER – Washington State Governor Jay Inslee last month appointed Clark County Councilor Temple Lentz to the Washington State Board of Health. Councilor Lentz fills the position of an elected official who represents state counties and is a member of a local board of health.

Lentz is a member of the Clark County Board of Health as the county council serves and functions as the county’s board of health.
“This last year, especially, has shown that we must not underestimate the importance of public health, at all levels,” said Lentz in response to the appointment. “I look forward to serving in this capacity and helping strengthen and support public health throughout our state while building stronger connections between the state and local jurisdictions.”
“Member Lentz’s leadership and active participation at the local level can support the board’s work in developing statewide policies that help prevent disease and improve the health and safety of people in our state,” Michelle Davis, executive director of the state Board of Health recently said in a news release. “We’re pleased to welcome Temple to the board and the important local health perspective she brings to this role.”
The State Board of Health focuses on analyzing policies, developing rules, promoting partnerships, and encouraging public engagement in the public health system. For more information on the Washington State Board of Health including meeting times and agendas visit the state website at https://sboh.wa.gov/.
Information provided by Clark Co. WA Communications.