As the district has with its elementary and middle school students, each high school will have two cohorts of students each attending in-person two days a week
Evergreen Public Schools will welcome its final group of students back for in-person hybrid learning on March 1 as high school students are scheduled to return to school. The district announced Friday that beginning March 1 and 2, 9th grader cohorts will begin orientation, with all high school grades beginning in-person instruction on March 3 and 4 as long as Clark County COVID cases are at 200 or below cases per 100,000 population.

As the district has with its elementary and middle school students, each high school will have two cohorts of students each attending in-person two days a week, with the remaining three days spent in Remote learning. Families also had the option to have their students remain in full time Remote learning if desired.
Evergreen began in-person learning for small groups of Kindergartners last September. In January, following new guidelines released by Washington Gov. Jay Inslee, elementary students began hybrid learning. Yesterday (February 18), middle school students began in-person learning. With COVID cases predicted to be below the 200 cases per 100,000 population at the next reporting timeframe on Tuesday (Feb. 23), Clark County will hit the threshold number needed to resume high school in-person instruction.
“We do not want to have a prolonged start-up process for returning high school students to school,” said Superintendent Mike Merlino. “We have all the necessary safety protocols in place, and have been successfully using them in our schools since September. In addition to our experience with the elementary and middle school students returning for Hybrid learning, we have also been serving in-person small groups of high school students over the last five months.”
The return to school for high school students will be:
• Mon., March 1: 9th Grade Cohort A Orientation Day 1
• Tue., March 2: 9th Grade Cohort B Orientation Day 1
• Thu., March 4: ALL GRADES Cohort A Begin School
• Fri., March 5: ALL GRADES Cohort B Begin School
• Cohort A will be learning ‘live’ in-person or Remote on Mondays and Thursdays.
• Cohort B will be learning ‘live’ in-person or Remote on Tuesday and Fridays.
• Wednesday will remain a remote, on-demand learning day for all students.
High school students and families will receive specific information directly from their students’ schools. General in-person learning information is available at
Information provided by the Evergreen School District. Evergreen Public Schools is the sixth largest school district in Washington, and the largest in Southwest Washington with nearly 24,000 students and 3,300 employees.