Evergreen School Board recruits District 4 replacement

Evergreen Public Schools Board of Directors is accepting applications from residents living within the District 4 Directors Boundaries to fill a vacant seat on the governing board.

Rachael Rogers, who came under fire last fall, resigned her position Tuesday

Evergreen Public Schools Board of Directors is accepting applications from residents living within the District 4 Directors Boundaries to fill a vacant seat on the governing board. School Board member Rachael Rogers resigned the Board position effective Tuesday (Jan. 11). The District 4 position represents the southeastern portion of the school district. 

In addition to living in District 4, applicants must be a registered voter and follow the application process by submitting documents by Jan. 31 to be considered. The Board will review applicants in early February with selection by the end of February.  The appointment will be made for the remainder of the unexpired term.

Information about the process will be available on the Evergreen Public Schools website:  https://www.evergreenps.org/school-board, as well as in the notice of vacancy mailed to District 4 households.

During a May 25, 2021 meeting of the Evergreen School District Board of Directors, Rogers stated that “policing in the United States is biased.’’ The comment by Rogers, who serves as a chief deputy prosecuting attorney, placed the Clark County Prosecuting Attorney’s Office and the Clark County Deputy Sheriff’s Guild at odds.

Rogers was elected to the Evergreen Board of Directors in November 2019. Video circulated of the May 25 meeting, during which Rogers spoke for more than five minutes about why she is not in favor of having police officers in the district’s schools serving as School Resource Officers (SROs).

“They are not making our kids safe,’’ Rogers said. “Our SROs are trained police officers. They are trained to look at people as threats. They are looking at our kids as threats. Data shows that schools with more police, more SROs, are more likely to refer kids to law enforcement which leads to charges and leads to arrests. Black students are more likely to be arrested than all other students while at school.’’

Also read:

Some information provided by Evergreen School District.


  1. Michael stackpole

    Sorry to see school board member Rachael Rogers go. I appreciate her integrity, transparency, hard work and standards. Hopefully they will appoint someone with the same qualities. What a loss for Evergreen schools. Thank you Rachael Rogers for your service.


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